hello guys,
My SFG 160GB is neither working properly with my front USB port nor with my back panel port.
Thereafter it began to show the Format your drive (appears/dissapears rapidly) popup occassionaly. Now it shows the popup frequently.
Suspected the USB cable and tried getting a replacement cable and it also worked fine for about a couple of months, then again the same problem.
The same hdd works flawlessly in my other systems in the front/back ports with my old cable as well as my newly replaced cable.
So tell me guys. What could be the problem ?. If it doesnt work with the front port alone, i can conclude that the culprit is the cabby (and its internal usb wire).
But now it fails work properly with my back panel onboard usb port itself and that too only in my mobo.
FYI, yesterday i ran a full hdd scan (connected to front port). It was going fine and suddenly it came with a popup FORMAT your drive .
The popup appears/dissapears rapidly whenever the format window pops up.
Should i RMA my hdd ?. I have done tasks like firmware update for my NOKIA E71, used pendrives / bluetooth and all these work flawlessly in my front port and back port. So i cant blame the mobo also.
If i RMA this drive, will i get 250gb in return ?. Dont think m greedy, just asking....
Very confused help guys.
Plz help.
My SFG 160GB is neither working properly with my front USB port nor with my back panel port.
Thereafter it began to show the Format your drive (appears/dissapears rapidly) popup occassionaly. Now it shows the popup frequently.
Suspected the USB cable and tried getting a replacement cable and it also worked fine for about a couple of months, then again the same problem.
The same hdd works flawlessly in my other systems in the front/back ports with my old cable as well as my newly replaced cable.
So tell me guys. What could be the problem ?. If it doesnt work with the front port alone, i can conclude that the culprit is the cabby (and its internal usb wire).
But now it fails work properly with my back panel onboard usb port itself and that too only in my mobo.
FYI, yesterday i ran a full hdd scan (connected to front port). It was going fine and suddenly it came with a popup FORMAT your drive .
The popup appears/dissapears rapidly whenever the format window pops up.
Should i RMA my hdd ?. I have done tasks like firmware update for my NOKIA E71, used pendrives / bluetooth and all these work flawlessly in my front port and back port. So i cant blame the mobo also.
If i RMA this drive, will i get 250gb in return ?. Dont think m greedy, just asking....
Very confused help guys.
Plz help.