plz suggest a cheap vfm ear phone for tnd mp650

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guys, the ear phone which came bundled with my mp3 player started showing signs of death. The left one isnt working. So its time to go for a cheap but vfm ear phone which lasts long unlike this one...

Budget is 150 - 200 max..

So plz suggest one and also the shop/price in richie st., chennai..

And is the bundled transcend ear phone covered under warranty ?. If that is the case then m going to rma it and not buying a new one...
Thanx in advance....
15-200 will only get you chinese ear-phones..

If you are ready to pay 800, you can get Creative EP630. Extremely vfm.
guys, plz tell me which ear phone i shud go for my tnd mp650... if its creative ep630 even now plz give me the best price and shop name in richie st.,
Thanx in advance....
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