PC Peripherals Poor Availability of Seasonic PSUs

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Mr. Clive it is near about impossible to find good seasonic models in cities like bangalore and hyderabad. the local branch of the distributors tell us that the items are out of stock or the shops they refer us to do not stock them due to paucity of service centers.

kindly work on improving your distribution channels and service centers in india and further let india have stock of good psu's such as the s12ii and s12d's. these were out of stock in several online stores as well.

i struggled to find an s12ii 520 and finally settled for a corsair 550vx.
Hello Mrcool63,

Thank you very much for your valuable comments, and we are sorry for the inconvenience has caused. We will discuss with our sole distributor Tirupati to enchance channel service, hope you will easily find Seasonic product in the near future:)
The S12II 520 seems to be out of stock everywhere. Had to settle with the S12II 430 since the dealer has no clue when the same would be available. Most of the people out there wont be buying 850W and 1000W PS for their systems. Seasonic is going to miss a large market share due to the unavailability of the the mid-range power supplies.

even they dont have stock at Chennai. i ask many of shop dealer they quote for stock pending order

p.s i need to find which dealer has stock in Ritchie street, Chennai :)
Hi Bobby,

I believe the situation is much better now, if you have any requirement for Seasonic psu, you may contact our sole distributor Tirupati directly Contact Us

Clive Chan
S12II520 is out of stock across India. Alternatively SS500ES is available or S12II430 is available. For higher wattage you can go for SS750JS or SS850AT which are at a very attractive price.
the ss500es is inferior to the new s12ii architecture. atleast the s12d would have been better. my sole aim here is not to criticize the distributor but just to point out certain drawbacks in service in cities which have a good population of sophisticated PC buyers so that good quality products are available there and need not be extensively searched for
Keeping atleast couple of Distris with both good service track record and good enough pricing is the way to go.

Manufacturers (Corsair, Tagan and now sometime Seasonic and Antec EA series) have enjoyed a good number of buyers in India for sometime but the issue is that distris do have a tendency to hike up the price to a very unrealistic level to what its really worth. Not that I am criticizing the distri, but if I remember it properly back in the days when VX450 used to be distributed by Tirupathi alone was priced for as low as 3.2k and then one fine day hiked up price of every psu line in Corsair to 4.4-4.6k! TX750 used to cost from 6.5k-7k to a whooping 8-8.5k. Back in 2007-08? I think XT was one of the last to buy it for that price via Prime ABGB.

There wasn't any choice back in the days (Seasonic came I think when corsair vx450's pricing was somewhere brought down to 3.6k which is what? 09?) but it was a ripoff. Then came Inspan infotech as distri and kaizen as service support. Now there are choices but then service record is what separates civilised from savages. Another issue is that majority of the well-known brands have a screwed up service and hence damages the reputation. Example? If I say Asus, first word that comes in mind is- Service. Forum is getting lot of attention so that pretty much explains why we have official/unofficial support personnel- not just from the manufacturers.

I know at the end of the day its upto the distributors, but I hope Seasonic guys conduct series of surverys around Indian tech forums and maybe power user meets like how few companies do it here on a fairly regular basis on their own. Best example is Razer's presence in lan gaming in India. Beauty of it is that they have recognised their crowd very efficiently. Food for thought. Nice to have Seasonic here.
I recently had a very good experience of Seasonic and Tirupati.

On Thursday I called Tirupati Ahmedabad branch for my need of Seasonic PSU and to inquire do they have any branch or retailer in Surat.

On inquiry the person was cooperative and courteous, and told me there is no presence in surat, asked me the model I want and offered me to send it via courier. As he did not have ready stock he offered to order from their HO and promised me a delivery in 4/5 days.

I was okay and paid cash in their account on thursday, in evening I updated them about payment via email and sms. Next day I got a call and was asked for shipping address and I got the PSU, which is powering my machine right now.

I was also offered an excellent price.

The PSU I got was : Seasonic SS 500W ES for 3265/- shipped to my place at Surat inclusive of all taxes. :D

Keep such initiative going and Definitely your presence will be appreciated a lot.
The full range of Seasonic power supplies is available with us. S12II-430, S12II-530, S12II-620, SS750-AT, SS850-JS, X Series 560, 660, 760, 850, 1250 and Platinum 1000.

Seasonic offers 7 years warranty on X Series and Platinum Series and 5 years warranty on all other models.

You can check prices on all popular online websites.
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