Mr. Clive it is near about impossible to find good seasonic models in cities like bangalore and hyderabad. the local branch of the distributors tell us that the items are out of stock or the shops they refer us to do not stock them due to paucity of service centers.
kindly work on improving your distribution channels and service centers in india and further let india have stock of good psu's such as the s12ii and s12d's. these were out of stock in several online stores as well.
i struggled to find an s12ii 520 and finally settled for a corsair 550vx.
kindly work on improving your distribution channels and service centers in india and further let india have stock of good psu's such as the s12ii and s12d's. these were out of stock in several online stores as well.
i struggled to find an s12ii 520 and finally settled for a corsair 550vx.