POP:TT on 1680x1050 ????

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Just thought of replaying Two Thrones, so i installed it, now when i tried bumping up the res, it stuck at 1280x960x32 , that is there is no option beyond that. I saw that guys can raise their res to at least 1600x900 , while i cant , i reinstalled the dell e228wfp drivers again just to be sure, my nVidia Forceware version is the 175.16 whql , so any1 using a similar monitor, can u tell me how to raise the thing? coz at 1280 , the game looks awful......:(
no , no way to force it, also , no hack available the site says it natively supports WS , but i cant raise the res
hmmm , now that you mention it , found a way to enable it , but that requires a bit of editing and installing an all....:(.....looks like an uninstall is on the way
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