PoP3 - popping sounds & no decapitations ?

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So I finally installed this game seeing as how it can be played Starforce free now and everything's perfect (no hidden SF drivers) except for 2 things.

I get random popping sounds in the game. They are not too bad or loud but it's definitely noticeable enough to distract every now and then.
I realise I am using onboard sound, but something's amiss here...

Also are there supposed to be no decapitations whatsoever in the game? I see blood, but no limbs get cut off, damn weird.
I distinctly remember the last 2 games having flying limbs.
same thing happened to me when i played the game(POP) 2-3years back on A7N8X Deluxe+5700Ultra ...... i was also on onboard soundstorm ..... try updating ur onboard sound driver ...... and also chk if southbridge is getting over heated while gaming .....
you wont see any decapitations in the starting part of the game (i was pretty much dissapointed with this :( ) but after you progress in the game and the wazir arranges the army of sand monsters, limbs will be flying here and there :ohyeah: .
The DVD is an Edited European version.. there is a 3CD version that was uncut with all gore / cuts intact.

as for the issue -- try cleaning ur drivers - chipset & sound both & then installing them the latest version..
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