Port Triggering ? NetGear WGR614 v5

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I use a Netgear Wireless Router - WGR614 v5, to share net access between a wired PC and a wireless laptop.

I read about Port Triggering as an extended version of Port Forwarding and have a somewhat basic idea of how it works. The Router supports Port Triggering.

Sites like Portforward.com advocate the use of a 3rd party app to be used in conjunction with your router's port triggering, and this 3rd party app allows you to set the Triggering port irrespective of which app is used. I tried using the router's port triggering without this app, assuming the app would use the Triggering port as the same port that it would intend to open up - however that did not work (for eg: I needed the router to open up ports 10000~10010 for BitTornado, and assumed the Trigger port would be on port 10000). So how exactly does one go about configuring it ? Or is it that only particular software are compatible with Port Triggering? (I hope I havent made a mess of explaining things :ohyeah: )

The only reason I'm trying Port Triggering is that it does not require Static IPs and works with Dynamic ones assigned by the Router. But, I hear that there is some limitation with only one PC on the network being allowed access to a port at a time or something along those lines - isnt that the same shortcoming with Port Forwarding as well?

And finally, which one is the recommended - Port Forwarding or Port Triggering?

Thanks in advance for all the advice received :)
Making Port triggering and bitorrent work together is quite hard(if at all possible). It is recommended that you use simple port forwarding. Yes 1 port can only be forwared to 1 pc(to be more precise only 1 application can use that port) at a time irrespective of if ur using port forwaring or port triggering.
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^^Agree with real here, I have the same wifi router and could never get the port triggering thingie to work as it is supposed to. maybe firmware bugs. Eddy did u upgrade to the latest fw? I even have DNS issues with this router. DNS forwarding doesnt work :(
^ Yep, upgraded to the latest firmware - v1.0.9 I believe! I'm guessing port triggering needs support from the software side as well to work, will try some more testing.

You're talking about Dynamic DNS support eh? Havent tried it as yet :)
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