Portable Player + IEM

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Hi Guys, looking for a portable player and IEM.

IEM - Have been using PL 30 and JVC Marshmallow. Thinking of upgrading to M2.

Player - This will be my first player. Was thinking about SFlo but looks like #[member='PristineNote'] has not got those. Any other suggestions ?

Price should be around 10k mark inclusive of IEM.

Go for the Sansa Clip Zip 4GB ~3300/- and for the IEM go for the BRAINWAVZ M3 / M2 ~3999/- OR 3500/-.

Hope this helps, Cheers!!
#[member='ALPHA17'] Thanks mate. I would still be left with around 3k. Anything with better SQ, around the 7k range ?
Wait for #[member='FaH33m'] and #[member='esanthosh'] to put forth their views on this query of yours, Cheers!!
M3 would be a perfect upgrade for you buddy.if you are still looking a bit higher then it will be better if you give a bit more info about what kind of music do you hear and all because it opens a plethora of choices.

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Budget in a 32GB uSD Card once you are satisfied with CZ + M2 or CZ + M3?

You may need to up the budget a little bit if you want something better. And most probably, you'd need to get them new from overseas or used from head-fi which involves shipping + customs.

I'd agree with #[member='vantheman5211']. It really depends on what you want. Of the top of my head....

Technically speaking, RE0 / RE-ZERO are upgrades, but I can safely rule them out if you are looking for M2 kind of signature. You could look at Etymotic HF2/3/5 if you are looking for RE0 kind of signature (bass light, but great clarity and details, good mid range and treble). Phonak PFE is a good choice, but then it has gone up to $180 in recent times. DBA02 MKII is another good choice. But, I suppose you are not looking for this kind of signature.

I'd consider JVC FXT90 - if you are ok with just good bass and colored sound. Of course, there's the TF10 which can give you a thick, fun sound but with little of that BA speed as well.

EX600 can be considered as a good choice which can do all three ranges well, but the bass and treble are not as refined as EX1000 from what I read. It should give you very good sound stage, even better than FXT90.

If you want a fatigue free signature, Fischer Tandem can do it, though I feel about $100 is the maximum I'd like to pay.

RE262 is a mid centric choice, but does well with respect to sound stage and will require an amp to extract the last mile of performance.
We do not have Sflo 2 but we do have Nationite N2 in stock which is also a very powerful audiophile grade player and sounds better than Clip+.

M2/M3 will be in stock within 7-10 working days. We can provide you combo deals on Brainwavz + N2 player as well
Thanks #esanthosh !

I would be listening strictly Indian Music and occasionally to English R&B, Pop and rarely Rock.

After your inputs, I'm keen on going with Fischer Audio DBA 02/MKII. It's around 170$ in GD-AB. Worth the upgrade ?

Update - Just got an quote from Dimitri, 200$(through EMS) !

Going by your music choices, I would think that you need good bass quantity. Frankly, I would not suggest DBA-02 MK2 for that purpose. Technically, it would be a very good upgrade. It would have awesome clarity, details and speed, but it won't do well in the bass department as it lacks the quantity and punch. I am guessing that price includes a free amp which has bass boost. If so, it might be worth taking a chance. But, still it would not be my first choice.

FXT90 may be a better option, but not at that $150-170 price. Around $100-130 shipped, it will make a good choice. Another choice I'd have considered is DDM-2. But, it has build quality issues and offers no isolation.

If you can stretch the budget a bit lot more, ask Dimitri if he can get you an open box / used FX700. It may not isolate greatly, but I don't think you will regret spending for it.
carbon, do look at the JVC Fx500 if the fx700 is out of reach. I have not heard the fx700, but I do own the fx500 and it is quite good! The bass is just awesome.
Being a Very Satisfied Owner of Clip+, I suggest nothing but that!

Go for a Clip+ with 32GB card, and a BrainWavz M3/Klipsch S4 And you are good to go!
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