Possible to check if a .torrent file is error-free ?

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I'm using a .torrent file from isohunt which has 316 files. I'm trying to d/l only some of them using utorrent 1.6 . However, the torrent downloads the files until only a few KB are left, then seems to loop back and shows that a few MB are remaining. This continues on and on.

Is there any way to check if that .torrent file has some sort of error ? ( And, maybe correct it. )

maketorrent.exe & TorrentSpy- display the contents of the .torrent file, and don't report any error ( don't know if they even check for errors ).
i think thats because of chunks of bad downloads in the file, so those are being re downloaded...

they will finish eventually
Don't think so, the total size of the files I wanted to d/l was approx 90MB, the total download reached 213MB - I wasn't keeping watch. Aborted.

Tried to d/l only 2 files from the same .torrent from another system. Same prob.
Till now there is no BT client which allows you to pre-check if the torrent is corrupt or not.You'll mainly need to rely only on the comments posted by the site's members which again puts up the question of how genuine the members are.If you check torrentspy users most of them just bluff without reason that a torrent is bogus even though they haven't even downloaded it.

I discretely like Demonoid in this aspect as it has a good class of users & regulated the site pretty well with it's moderation style.So you'll rarely find any corrupt files out there.
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