Android Possible to use WhatsApp, Skype, Chrome without a SIM card ?

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A senior citizen (in her 80s) uses a PC to keep in touch with her (fave) grandchild. The PC has died.

Someone suggested a tablet like Samsung Galaxy Tab 3/4.

If she uses the SIM card in the tablet, she will not be able to use her phone - carrying a 10" tablet when she leaves home is not really a option.

So, can she use her tablet ( WhatsApp, Skype, FBook ) without a SIM ? only wifi needed, no mobile data. Any good suggestion ?
No, its not possible to use whatsapp without sim.

About skype, yes it can. Same with facebook.
she can use whatsapp... well I bought Nexus 7 tab last year for wife and working fine.

How ? Download whatsapp from site, dump in tab and intall, while registering use her number, the sms will come on her cell phone. Use the code to activate.
Yes. Whatsapp is possible, as mentioned above. The only thing is that it cannot run on two devices simultaneously, so whatsapp has to be uninstalled from the mobile. Skype and FB are based on email logins, so no issues there.
But how comfortable is a octogenarian going to be on a touchscreen. Thats the issue.
^ she's as fit & alert as a 40-something - doesn't even use glasses most of the time !
Manages on her own.
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