Post your favourite Print Ad

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As the topic suggests, everyone post the best print advertisement you've come across.

Here's mine to start off with. Really neat!
i like the idea behind this thread but i can't really post any atm since my favourite ones are off ad and copywriting books.
does any 1 have the Ferrari Advertisment tht was in The Times,

All the pages of the newspaper were black, with the ferrari logo at the bottom...and the last page showed Ferrari with a logo, " Because we can afford it "
This is not an ad but still funny.


Plus check out this mercedes link,
rofl, Skewed double standards. Suicide and violence is cool but sex is evil.

It wasn't even anything real, no nudity, just somewhat weird.
It was the same as the KY jelly pic, only completely ridiculously fake.

Come to think of it, one of my screenshots showing a Duke3D mod with lame cartoony looking lo-poly boobs got deleted, while the real porn posters and pigcop slayings stayed.
saumilsingh said:
rofl, Skewed double standards. Suicide and violence is cool but sex is evil.

It wasn't even anything real, no nudity, just somewhat weird.
It was the same as the KY jelly pic, only completely ridiculously fake.

Come to think of it, one of my screenshots showing a Duke3D mod with lame cartoony looking lo-poly boobs got deleted, while the real porn posters and pigcop slayings stayed.
Sure link me to it, i'll take care of the double standards. Its just that safin is way too busy these days............ In case of any discrepancies in deleting your posts or biasing between your bad posts feel free to pm me or any of the mods to get the offending content deleted. ;)
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