Lets compare how do our machines fare at Geekbench . You can get it from here : Primate Labs Geekbench
My Results are :
The Machine has been incorrrectly classified to be running at 4GHz, its running at 3GHz.
My specs are :
Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 3GHZ
Gigabyte G31m S2L Motherboard
Kingston 4Gh DDR2 RAM
nVidia 9600GT 512MB
Seagate 640GB ST3640323AS
Toshiba Samsung DVD Writer TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-S223F
You can view detailed benchmarks over here : Hackintosh : Geekbench Result Browser
My Results are :
The Machine has been incorrrectly classified to be running at 4GHz, its running at 3GHz.
My specs are :
Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 3GHZ
Gigabyte G31m S2L Motherboard
Kingston 4Gh DDR2 RAM
nVidia 9600GT 512MB
Seagate 640GB ST3640323AS
Toshiba Samsung DVD Writer TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-S223F
You can view detailed benchmarks over here : Hackintosh : Geekbench Result Browser