Post your Vista Experience


1)Post the scores Vista gives you.

2)Post your real world experience:

1)Much faster than XP
2)Faster than XP
3)As fast as XP
4)A tad slower than XP
5)Slower than XP
6)A lot slower than XP

CPU : 4
RAM : 5
GPU : 5.9
Gaming Graphics : 5.8
HDD : 5.2

Overall : 4

I find it between 4) and 5)
Is there some scientific method you used to arrive at those numbers? If it's simply your opinion, I can't really use them to decide whether Vista is good or bad, can I? :)

[OT]And what's with the numbering... 1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6 :p[/OT]
Those numbers were given by Vista.

As for those 1,2,3 etc, it depends. If you feel that Vista runs faster than XP but not much faster then select 2), if you feel it is a tad slower then select 4). It is more or less subjective.
Those numbers are vista's performance index... that hez talking about. That thing is MS's effort to make understanding system requirements for the dummies simpler.

My perf at Vista is 2. (Faster than XP). I use it daily and try to find bugs and compatible progs. By the time Vista is released I can assure you that it's gonna be faster than what its now. Quite a lot of performance and tweaks being done now... and so will better drivers increase perf
if graphics appeal is all you want , install Xgl/beryl on linux.. Not only is it better looking, but it runs faster, and on systems with lesser specs than what vista needs- I got the Aero theme equivalent up and running on my DX7 geforce 4 :lol: