Power backup for independent house

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Hi guys,

I will be moving to an independent house by the end of the year. Its not a society house so I will be dependent on state electricity board for power supply. That area has severe power outages. How can I provide complete power backup at my house? I guess I will have to buy a large capacity generator or inverter. Please guide me with you advice, comments and suggestions.

Waiting for your replies!
If you're into DIY stuff, I'd say put together an array of solar panels to get free electricity (although with an initial investment). At the least go for a solar water heater.
I do plan to go for solar water heater.

However my real intention is to create a complete power backup solution like in builder built societies.

Are there inverter available which are strong enough to provide electricity enough to run TV, water pump, Microwave oven etc? How much do they cost? I have heard that some inverters even run ACs. Is that true?

Also someone told me that power from inverters is costly since the battery "charging" is not economical. The same person advised me to go for generators instead. Can a generator provide the throughput I am expecting?
Yes There are inverter available check below link it's 2.5 KVA inverter

>>> SU-KAM <<< Leading manufacturer of Power Products in India, Only Power back up company manufacturing world class UPS, Home UPS, Online UPS, Inverters, Batteries, Battery Chargers, Solar Products

But inverter is costly from time to time it will added up into your electricity bill. Even generator is also costly affair as you have to provide diesel to it.

I suggest go to solar you have to invest only one time not for life time.
jigarpatel said:
Yes There are inverter available check below link it's 2.5 KVA inverter
>>> SU-KAM <<< Leading manufacturer of Power Products in India, Only Power back up company manufacturing world class UPS, Home UPS, Online UPS, Inverters, Batteries, Battery Chargers, Solar Products

But inverter is costly from time to time it will added up into your electricity bill. Even generator is also costly affair as you have to provide diesel to it.

I suggest go to solar you have to invest only one time not for life time.

but solar panels can't run motor pump, microwave oven etc right?
It will run if you get solar system with heavy wattage. Like

2500 VA will give you 2500 * 0.8 = 2000 Watt.

Same king of wattage you can get it from solar.

For you information solar is also use in mechanical industry to power their equipment. Solar has really good potential. It all depend on how much you can spend. :)
^ The concept of an Inverter and Solar electricity is one and the same thing.. if an inverter can run these devices, they can be run via solar too. The difference is how you charge the batteries to run the inverter. Normally you will use your regular metered electricity to charge the inverter batteries (which will cost you) but if you go solar, you can trickle charge them for free using the Solar panels (off course there would be an option to charge with regular electricity during lean periods of sunshine like in the monsoon).

The best part in using solar electricity is that it's free and say if your batterries are charged, you can switch off your mains so that you can save a little more. Although, don't expect magic to happen, you might just break even on your investment in 5-8 years after which you can actually save something.

I had enquired from Moser Baer Photo Voltaic Ltd about the prices of smaller PV modules, a 10 wp moudule will be about Rs 1800 and 20 wp Rs 3500 plus sale tax/ VAT @ 3 or 4%. However for larger quantities they offer a good discount.

You can get further information from Moserbaer Photo Voltaic Limited
Rishia, What would be the cost of solar panel installation to generate 2000 Watt power? Does Moser Bear install it at homes?

I would love to go for solar panel option if its practical and affordable. But I have my doubts because I have never seen or heard anyone do it. May be its not mature for home consumer market yet? Have any of you seen this at homes (except maybe as solar water heaters)?

2.5 KVA inverter seems like a good feasible option. What will be the cost?
AFAIK each watt of solar energy cost Rs.200 according to a local solar company.

A diesel generator should be ideal while rising fuel cost and availability could be a hindrance...
If you are a DIY enthusiast and in your place you have healthier power cuts my humble suggestion is to avoid inverter. Its the least efficient to turn AC- DC-AC and in electronic appliance like tv, microwave back to DC.

Also if you have daily power cuts for longer periods of time and you have some spare space at your backyard anyday i would recommend Listeroid engine;) coupled with 5KW generator . Reason: simple mechanism, low rpm 650 rpm, very very long life, extremely efficient, very low noise you hear like a music. If you prepare some bio mix its far cheaper than the state electricity bills. In a report i read the fuel consumption is just + or - 1 liter per hour for full 5KW load.

Search the name listeroid many foreign countries ppl import from India and use for power generation. It runs for years with minimal maintenance. They dont have government power supply. yet they run aircons, heater and other stuffs. pretty impressive
rshri said:
Rishia, What would be the cost of solar panel installation to generate 2000 Watt power? Does Moser Bear install it at homes?

I would love to go for solar panel option if its practical and affordable. But I have my doubts because I have never seen or heard anyone do it. May be its not mature for home consumer market yet? Have any of you seen this at homes (except maybe as solar water heaters)?

2.5 KVA inverter seems like a good feasible option. What will be the cost?

You don't actually need a 2000 W solar panel, a 200 W one would be more than sufficient. Based on your daily power consumption you can do a rough sizing of the panels and the batteries required. Moser baer probably does not actually install but you can talk to them and find out. You can send a mail to pv@moserbaer.in to get more information.
vijaycool, The Listeroid engine thing sounds intriguing! I will check for its availability. Can a 5KVA generator run two ACs?
Its all depends on the load which it takes at the startup. Some A/C will trip the voltage so much and will trip less. If its 1.5 ton 5Kva can cope up still spare with 400 watts of juice. Some enthusiast did custom alternator will scrap materials and it performs the task :D . All of them vouch for fuel efficiency. In the west ppl have corn field didnt buy diesel it can take any oil without any modification. Do some search you will get plenty of ideas. Go to some village and buy them cheap and carry your mods. i am sure it will cost much less than the price of honda and yammy gensets. The puk-puk machines can run 24x7
^^ lol @ puk-puk machines. Read about these on some sites. seems the Listeroids after some refining done to them work 24/7 without any breakdown even on full load :S

seems like a good alternative to the 10hr scheduled load shedding in my area. only problem is these things are huge and require space to be fitted, like a small shed.
6pack said:
^^ lol @ puk-puk machines. Read about these on some sites. seems the Listeroids after some refining done to them work 24/7 without any breakdown even on full load :S

seems like a good alternative to the 10hr scheduled load shedding in my area. only problem is these things are huge and require space to be fitted, like a small shed.

Those ppl always exaggerate things IMO. What kinda refinement we need for 650 rpm lump? some ppl say dynamic balance is poor and valve spring compression is low. But do you really need for such low rpm machine. better buy as a used one from village farmers.Proven and reliable. U can change piston, valves, springs, wet liner(yes its a wet liner) under 2k.

check these machines in youtube. though its big its doesnt take much space. Its really makes sense if you have 10 hr load shedding. you cant rely on batteries that too for 2 tubes, 2 fans and 1 tv for the cost of 18K + regular replacement cost a bomb (10K for batteries replacement in 2~3 yrs) + electricity consumption to charge batteries.

This puk-puk doesnt change much in fuel consumption for full load and part load so some clever guys uses computers to calculate load taken the rest of the current bypassed to charge batteries.
5KVA according to my knowledge most of our Indian homes doesnot requires this much :S unless you use aircon , geyser and water motor simultaneously. Lister manufactured 3hp variants at the time of British colony's this could be the ideal for indian homes, but the availability is a ?
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