Audio Powered bookshelves suggestion


I'm considering a decent bedroom set up. I've decided to go the powered router, as I can't afford an amp right now, and my bedroom is cramped as it is.

The Audio Engine A5 was an obvious contender, in fact the only powered bookshelf I about, other than the Cambridge Audio S30 and the smaller A3. Are there any other options for powered bookshelves that I can buy in India that would offer better sound at a slightly higher or similar price?
Adam A5 or higher. Will cut the crap outta the AE5s.

A5s start around 24k and go up to 37k for A7X.


You can find all these at bajaao.

However, personally, I would recommend going for a stereo receiver + Wharf 9.1/9.2 OR Polk Audio Monitor 50 x 2 Towers for Rs.8k each inc shipping from through

Given these choices, I would say Polk/Adam > Wharf >= AE5
I also intend to add a small sub to the mix, say the Wharfedale SW150 or something in that price range. Would/should that affect my choice? I'll add the sub slightly later though. Would your suggestions differ?
I'll mostly use these for music, but don't discount the occasional game, maybe a movie.
Amongst active bookshelves/monitors,

AE5 PERIOD (assuming a max of 25-30k budget)


A Harman Kardon stereo receiver + Wharf 9.2, should set you back about 30k in total

Either ways, a sub should be optional