Pre-Order Left4Dead2 From Steam for 1600Rs INDIA

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Steam has the left4dead2 up for pre-order, and it is for 45$ single copy.
But they have this other offer that says buy 4 copies of left4dead2 for 135$
Pre-Purchase Left 4 Dead 2

Pre-purchase now and save 10%! Plus, get early access to the demo, exclusive in-game baseball bat, and be ready to play L4D2 the moment it is released.
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$149.99 $134.99 USD
Pre-Purchase Left 4 Dead 2 - Four Pack

Includes four copies of Left 4 Dead 2 - Send the extra copies to your friends and you'll all get early access to the demo and exclusive in-game baseball bat.
Add to Cart

So i was wondering would anyone from INDIA be interested in Pre-Purchase Left 4 Dead 2 - Four Pack offer ? I have a credit and and i will happily buy that four copies and gift it to the other 3 persons who is ready to pay.
It would cost 34$ for each if we buy together(1600rupees approx).

Buying from steam is very helpful if you want to play it worldwide! Cause if by chance you are moving to USA like me(or outside Asia) you wont even be able to open the games that you brought on retail from INDIA(personal experience). ... p?t=966118

what i meant was for valve games are region-protected.You will not be able to play it outside Asia.

Anyways if anyone one from INDIA is interested reply or pm me with your phone number or i will send you my phone number we can chat then.

Please vist our steam community for more details :Steam Community :: Group :: Left 4 Dead India
i'm already doing this with friends, so just wanted to point out that you can save about 600 rupees on the total purchase price if you order it from the uk steam store in pounds sterling instead of paying the dollar price. it's not a huge saving (only 150 bucks per person) but it's something. it's basically due to exchange rate variations and the fact that the uk price is a bit cheaper than anywhere else.
I am for one not buying l4d2. Although as a concept l4d was good, i guess something was lacking.

I cant point my finger on what exactly tho.
SharekhaN said:
I am for one not buying l4d2. Although as a concept l4d was good, i guess something was lacking.
I cant point my finger on what exactly tho.

only problem is lack of players from india!
SharekhaN said:
I am for one not buying l4d2. Although as a concept l4d was good, i guess something was lacking.
I cant point my finger on what exactly tho.
Same here. I was really looking forward to the first L4D, but when I finally got to play it, the experience was a completely disappointing one as far as true-to-heart zombie-fests go.

Fast zombies aren't fun, period.
This was more of a twitch based shooter rather than a tense survival horror experience even when played with a good team.

I was expecting lots and lots of lumbering but really tough zombies with the player backed up against a wall with powerful but low rate of fire weapons. Braainsss... :D.
Honestly, have little patience. Buying directly from steam always turn out to be expensive affair these days.

Most $50 games come under 1000 bucks here.
Shripad said:
Honestly, have little patience. Buying directly from steam always turn out to be expensive affair these days.
Most $50 games come under 1000 bucks these days here.

Yeah, most games are released at a lower indian pricing which would make the cost of the game much lower than the deal above mentioned.

And besides for steam, if you buy the game for india and activate it in india first, then u can play that game wherever from (like outside india)
SharekhaN said:
I am for one not buying l4d2. Although as a concept l4d was good, i guess something was lacking.

I cant point my finger on what exactly tho.

For me its lack of good single player mode. Not everyone has good enough pings to play the game on line without hick-ups.
Lord Nemesis said:
For me its lack of good single player mode. Not everyone has good enough pings to play the game on line without hick-ups.

it's a multiplayer only game really, and it shouldn't be looked at as anything other than that. the singleplayer portion is just there for practice or to familiarize yourself with maps.

i've found that the game is very liberal with the pings that you can play with. sure, you might not get as many headshots as you like, but the general idea of the game is to shoot into waves of zombies, so it hardly matters all that much. i play l4d most of the time on european servers with 150-200 or even 250 pings and the games play just fine.

anyway i preordered l4d2 on steam. anyone else who got it, join the l4d2 india steam community group so that we can play the demo/game together when it unlocks.
^^ I guess for a game like that, id rather have a cohesive story, which is totally lacking. Just some multiplayer game thrown together.
SharekhaN said:
^^ I guess for a game like that, id rather have a cohesive story, which is totally lacking. Just some multiplayer game thrown together.

you could say the same for tf2... 'just some multiplayer game thrown together'. the fact is, multiplayer games cannot have a story. if you're looking for single player zombie games, try resident evil or dead rising perhaps.
With a premise like tf2, i am ok without a story. Not so much in case of l4d. That's just me. You don't have to agree with it :)
spindoctor said:
it's a multiplayer only game really, and it shouldn't be looked at as anything other than that. the singleplayer portion is just there for practice or to familiarize yourself with maps.

i've found that the game is very liberal with the pings that you can play with. sure, you might not get as many headshots as you like, but the general idea of the game is to shoot into waves of zombies, so it hardly matters all that much. i play l4d most of the time on european servers with 150-200 or even 250 pings and the games play just fine.

anyway i preordered l4d2 on steam. anyone else who got it, join the l4d2 india steam community group so that we can play the demo/game together when it unlocks.

Hey wait left4dead2 india steam community? is this the one you are talking about?Steam Community :: Group :: Left 4 Dead 2 - India

If that is it then thank you for putting the word out. There is left4dead india and left4dead2 india both of them are being maintained by me (Aki²)and Krishna([Cm1]Hitman)

Ok so guys what i was trying to do is help people buy left4dead2 from steam! i meet with a few members from our community who wished to buy left4dead2 but had no means to pay online.Actually they saw our names in the blotter saying xxx now owns LEFT4DEAD2, so us buying it actually influenced a couple of people to buy from steam:ohyeah:

As for me and a few other indian friends of mine we pre-ordered it long time back

I hope our server providers like v-street or IGL realize there are more people with legit l4d/l4d2 games and they can put up a few more servers! and yea v-street didn't do l4d server,i tried to convince them but they had server shifting blah blah reasons! and IGL ka server is quite useless! yes very useless they are down most of the time and sirf 1 server se kuch nahi chelega
spindoctor said:
you could say the same for tf2... 'just some multiplayer game thrown together'. the fact is, multiplayer games cannot have a story. if you're looking for single player zombie games, try resident evil or dead rising perhaps.

try killing floor! and l4d2 has better story connections than l4d.
:bleh:i was told
akhilfxavier said:
Hey wait left4dead2 india steam community? is this the one you are talking about?Steam Community :: Group :: Left 4 Dead 2 - India
If that is it then thank you for putting the word out. There is left4dead india and left4dead2 india both of them are being maintained by me (Aki²)and Krishna([Cm1]Hitman)

yea that's the group. hitman is on my friends list... he can call me to play l4d2 when the demo unlocks early or when the full game is out, so maybe you and i can play together sometime.
spindoctor said:
yea that's the group. hitman is on my friends list... he can call me to play l4d2 when the demo unlocks early or when the full game is out, so maybe you and i can play together sometime.

what is your steam id ? and i never got a chance to play with indians hitman always plays with our people only in IGL servers. My ping is 350 in IGL due to bad routing!
I have been playing with singapore people from last year, and they are awesome + they have so many servers i get a decent 90-100 ping in all of it.
add me and we can play
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