Preeee Threeee


I know I know HP has discontinued the webOS and smartphones but after Using PIXI Plus for more than 6 months and recently bought touchpad, webOS has grown on me. It is the best multitasking OS have ever used. Cards manages the multi apps at once beautifully. :p Okay enough praising of webOS.

This is factory unlocked PRE3. Since don't want to involve into all the unlocking hassle.

Pics :







Damages : Free :bleh: Gift from Uncle.
Thanx guys.
@metal. It is phreee threee. Actually i was just randomly browsing on UK ebay since uncle is coming from UK. mailed him couple of links of Unlocked Pre since he was leaving on 1st. and next morning got email from him that he had bought the Phone for me. ;) Bought it for 187 GBP.
One superb thing i noticed today in Camera App. there is no lag when you take snap. Its instantly saves the pics. :clap: You keep pressing the button it will keep taking the pics.
Congo on this beautiful gifts..

Btw, whats your favorite app on preeee

Sent from my SK17i using Tapatalk
Excellent phone man!! I must have a look at it!!! Too bad you didn't have it when you drove down to my office to drop the x220.