Preeee Threeee

so far the usability and performance is quite good.

only issue is battery life with 3G. Full charge hardly giving me 14 hours.

on 2G it gives around 40 hours.

1.4 GHz shows it performance here. No lags whatsoever. Open as many as cards you want.

Skype integration is really useful. And voice quality is superb.
Installed Govanah and downclock it from 1.4Ghz to 768 Mhz. now getting better battery life. 1 Day full with 3G. though hardly noticable lag in general task. but browsing make it lil slow. I think setting up at 1Ghz wuould be perfect.
I played around with Ciscotech's phone and its absolutely brilliant. Very fluid smooth interface, excellent multitasking and overall system/os optimization. The os with some mods allows for overclocking on the fly. The camera is good and very fast in both processing the image and taking snaps. Its a brilliant phone but its sad that this phone is the last phone to be based on the HP webos.