Presenting!! OPEN-EAR Audio Headgear ...Guess it and win a trip to my Home !!


SO, I was busy (Family thinks i am the "go-to" guy for help :S ....:mad:)

but here came a package from United Kingdom to my small town in Chhattisgarh!!

here is a pic, I am not letting this secret out just yet!, guess what i have in there.






TO give off some hints, cause i am just happy today ! :

1. Its a audio output device - a head gear.

2. Its good. ..real good. (lol, sorry )

3. Its open ear design, huge soundstage.

4. its Costs $320-400.. :D

5. Made of wood ...yeah completely

6. More will come .. < see my latest post in the thread >
Grados are made of wood ? ( really , i dont think so !!)

By the way not just the casing .(here comes another hint ) .. the drivers also
Baah .This is so easy . JVC-Victor HA-FX700

Please send me the return tickets , rest I will manage on my own :p

ohhh forgot to congratulate you .I wonder what these sound like ..and why you got them when you already have too much to handle :S.
^ I guessed so. But he said "open ear" and that's what confused me :p


Post your views if it's indeed FX700, esp if you find it better than TF10 :)
Yeah its JVC victor HA-FX700 :D

@faheem i got a good second hand deal, also these were Unique as per reviews, that got me interested, i can always trade these for SM3, UM3X, similer valued IEMs ,thats why i got these ( there are many interested)

@santosh ...yeah these are open ear IEMs, and as of now i find them a lot more engaging than TF10 were for me.

the soundstage is really good and the opennesss that i was looking for in IEMs is there !!

the Mids are clear and smooth, a lot more musical than the TF10. fact i find the Mids of these better than RE262 ( I was busy, so i have only tried the RE262 for about 30 minutes and these also about the same ..dont take my word on this, also THe RE's have not been burned , these are burned in, this is first impression not a review)

Treble is extended, detailed , airy(kind of like the AKG) and has s[arcle ( lol perfect highs for me )

Bass is the punch and slam like the TF10( a bit more) , is fast, but still as fast as a dynamic driver can be.

I was worried about the bass as the DFKT's list said this has Basshead level of bass, i can even call them to have flat response. Nothing here is recessed or foreword, with good extention on lows and highs

Now THe Timbre( as every one who has read about the FX700 knows at least one owrd, timbre) , well i dont know much about this, but still the music sure has a timbre, i can specifically distinguish the instruments Paired with good instrument separation and wide and deep sound stage .. .all i can do is :D ( will cover this in detail later)

I got a good fit with the stock tips , but will still try few other tips ( my sony hybrids can arrive anytime now ). tBut as these are openear, the isolation is zero i can hear everything. but i dont mind that , i knew this beforehand.

these are heavy (for an IEM), the cable is great, almost like the AKG K702's cable.

Look wise these look exotic and the case provided also looks great( i would say the TF10's case looks cool, and this looks classy)

only cons i can give you is that the cable is darn short !! less than a meter ( really), half of every IEM i have tried.

SOrry i cant list more cos as i have had only about 2Hrs with these. i am quite happy with the sound and their sig..

Here are the remaining Pics ! these sure look good ! )




^ Thanks for the mini-review :) What are the damages, btw?

It's no surprise to me that you like it more than TF10. After some proper burn-in, probably 100 hrs on RE-262, compare RE-262 and this with respect to mids.
12K. for very nicely used 4 months old (no cosmetic damages scratches ) , from a very reputed seller at Head-fi

yeah will burn the RE262 well before comparing, and doing the review.

also will try them with many tips as well.
Its about time we start a loaner program .I am a poor guy so can only provide cheap earphones :( . Or maybe everyone should start pitching in for "Fah33m's all India head-fi tour " Be a little generous , I dont mind traveling by train as well.
@ benny , not too many, just three (oops 5 including S4 and M1, S4 i cant sell as they were my first step and M1 when amped are good VFM) ...Miracle, FX700 and re262 more !!

you have to try the FX700 to believe the airy open Can-like sound they provide.

as rd274 in the said in the second post ...wood sound ....good sound !
You shouldn't have posted the impressions ..This ones fighting it out with the TF10s which has a permanent place in my heart. Sad part is my wallet just cant afford any top-tier after I lost the 9k on TF10 deal.

On a serious note, going by your description these could be perfect for electronica / trance due to the awesome bass and clear mids.