Prevent my pc from my child

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My 1.5 yrs kid push the power/restart, whenever i working on system. i can't able to control her.

Is anybody had problems like these, any idea to whenever switch off the system through software only after i boot the pc.

If you have windows 7, you can go to Power Options->Advanced Settings->"Power Buttons and lid". Then you can change the action of the button. Not sure about changing the Restart button. Maybe others can give some idea!
1)if you still have the cabinet box , may be you could cover the front part partially .
2) ackwark but u could try turning the cabinet backside to front aka the front side would typically face the wall

3) physically disable the reset switch.. remove connection from MB.

Just 3 of this popped out of my head... anymore crazy ideas?
put a skull or a frightening sign or connect a device which produces shrieks when pressed. remember that times of india volkswagen marketing trick?
The easiest thing to do is detach the power connector to the reset key from your mobo and set the power button to not have any functionality through Windows power options.
How about distracting your kid with some other interesting activity so that she leave your computer alone... Some interesting toys maybe to get her involved..

As for your computer, put a piece of small cardboard square/circle in front of those switches with some cello tape so that you can use a pen or its refill to press the buttons while your daughter could not since 1.5 year children don't have sharp motor skills... :p

You can also make a tiny hole on the cardboard so that a pen refill can pass through but make sure you put the cello tape neatly so that it does not come off easily especially by your kid...... :)
Take a hard plastic or cardboard and make a DIY open-close flap with some cellotape. Whenever you need to push the button you have to push the flap upwards. Alternatively you can try adding/removing something else which makes it hard to press the buttons or makes it a multiple-step process. If your kid still finds out how to do it, she is a genius, get her a computer :)

Another option is an idea called parenting, a very old idea followed by very few parents these days, but those who do claim it to be very effective.

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how about a cabinet for your cabinet that you can lock?

Lol. Atleast your daughter is doing only these things.
My neice has a knack of kicking things. Once when I was working and my granma kept her on the table beside my com and she gave a kick on the cabinet and it fell down, thankfully over my monitor . No damage but if the cabinet fell on the floor then my 50k investment on the line. The next day I gave her a nice big football for her to play.

Best option is to spend time with them for some time, Work on your PC after getting them to sleep ( Toughest option). Else the OLD and BEST lock the room out and work inside.
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