Price of Warcraft 3 TFT??

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20 USD from Blizzard Store, Direct Download.

I think you need to buy Warcraft 3 first and install it and then install TFT, am not sure though, but this would cost 40 USD then.
you can buy the key online from for 860 bucks. you can then create a account with blizzard, add the cd key and download the game from blizzard servers.

Warcraft 3 ::

the site is legit, i've bought stuff from there before (although that was under older management) so caveat emptor.
yea man, once you register the key on, it is the same as if you had bought the game from blizzard themselves. it will be a fully legit working copy.
in the case of TFT though, the difference between the price on g2play and isn't that much, so one might as well buy it straight from the blizzard download store. but the difference is huge for ROC or the battlechest.
without ROC , TFT is complete useless.,.

so u will have to buy both ROC and TFT..

u can buy the entire battle ches for 2000 bucks i think from Landmark at the forum mall..

or u can buy legit keys from securegamers for 350 bucks each..

thats what i problems till date( been over 3 yrs).
salluks said:
without ROC , TFT is complete useless.,.

so u will have to buy both ROC and TFT..

u can buy the entire battle ches for 2000 bucks i think from Landmark at the forum mall..

or u can buy legit keys from securegamers for 350 bucks each..

thats what i problems till date( been over 3 yrs).

are you sure 350 each?...Thats quite good..I'll be able to play via right?..and whats d difference if I buy it from Landmark?
^^ yeah, i have both the keys, let me know if ur still interested, i havent played in a while , so will give it to u....yes u can play on battlenet....
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