OK here I go
Mahavir --- beware as he will quote less price and give you different model or will ask more money for a Bill
Prime -- very good shop, but they sell at premium price and hardly negotiate on price
Computer Gallery -- they don't stock much product, normally thye get from other and give it to you with their commission included, sometime they sell more than primes prices
PC guide -- this people also quote less price and ask extra for bill and most of them are busy don't know on what thing...
Maxtech or mexwell -- I don't know the exact name but this is one big laptop shop, I had very bad experienced with them... They don't show you the demo of laptop... They will force you to buy.... So beware
Lappy world --- now this guys are very smart.. Last week I bought a laptop from them. Two young boys asked for an i3 laptop and the shopkeepr said "OK AMD i3" and in front of me he sold a 22k laptop at 32k ... So just beware
there are many but I can only remeber few as all of them are almost same ... Making money..
So always ask for the price including VAT and buy only after looking at the model number..