We’ve had some secret concerns about the upcoming Prince of Persia game from Ubisoft lately, so we’ve been waiting until we’ve been hands-on with the game before we really started to make up our minds about it.
And now we have been hands-on. And the news is good.
The worrying thing about the new Prince of Persia was that it looks such a massively different game from the previous trilogy of titles. On the surface, yes it’s still a super-slick platformer, but a lot of the presentation and gameplay mechanics have been tweaked beyond recognition.
Plus, the storyline has been utterly remade and redone. Considering one of the main strengths of the previous Sands of Time trilogy was the plot, making a new story (with no Dagger o’ Time, no less) is a pretty gutsy move.
bit-tech.net | Preview - Prince of Persia Hands-On Preview