Prince of Persia: Heir Apparent....Trailer

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BTW the game is not called Prince of Persia: Heir Apparent anymore they are simply calling it Prince of persia.
^... Frankly I don't care if they call is Pauper of Persia: Becoming Prince.. lol.

I know I'm going to get it no matter what's it called. :D
The trailer is good and seems to me that they have changed the character and this one looks like the same as Vincent in Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII!

I liked the older one but this seems to be good too!





MP4A 48000 Hz

graphics are looking freaking awesome, but i am sure, this is just for the trailer, original gameplay graphics wud not be so much cool....
Some interesting stuff from this interview:-

POP:HA Dev Diary

roof run, introduced at Games Convention last week, is an extension of the Prince's traditional wall-run ability.

"Since Sands of Time, wall-run was always a signature movement of the Prince. We always tried to improve the wall-run, to keep this movement interesting and different," lead game designer Kevin Guillemette explains in the video. Thanks to a collection of rings on the ceiling, the Prince can now link his wall-running movements into movement combos that cover every surface.

Bwaha! Now, no surface is safe from being trampled by the prince's feet. Still roof run sounds ridiculous even for POP. My guess is that you would have to slow down time to be fast enough to do it.

Earlier in the video, producer Ben Mattes introduces the game's openworld structure, likening it to highways running between cities, and later on game designer Thomas Delbuguet and art animation director David Wilkinson explain the combat system, which makes use of the Prince and his new counterpart Elika.

like Assassin's creed.

Wilkinson says that the objective was to produce a fight system to rival actual beat-'em-ups, and Delbuguet reveals that inspirations included Soulcalibur, inevitably, since it's another weapons-based hand-to-hand game, and even the movie Final Fantasy: Advent Children.

Possibly different combat system? What's wrong with it now? But if they're using actionRPG's and fighters as influence, it could end up being more meatier which is good.
Saiyan said:
Actually the prince looks weird :P, the Sands Trilogy Prince looks better than this one.
Thanks to the sudden rise in popularity of anime, now they have to try and anime-ize everything from the new He-Man to Prince of Persia.

Not that I am complaining; the new Prince looks cool.
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