Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands In Development?

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Is this another addition to the very long running and highly famous Prince of Persia series? According to the game character developer and the series creator, it definitely is.

Marc Antoine Senecal, Ubisoft Character Developer had this to say on his CV update: "working on the new Prince of Persia" from "August 2009 - Present."

Jordan Mechner has trademarked the name "Price of Persia: The Forgotten Sands". This pretty much confirms it.

What we still don't know is if it will present us with a new gameplay style or use the old style seen in the sands of time. We would ceartinly like to see some of Ubisoft's power, maybe they can present us with some next-gen graphics. Whatever the style, Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands is sure to impress.

source: Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands In Development?
I don't know about the rest of you but I think the Sands of Time was the best Prince of Persia ever. Granted it was not that good on graphics and gameplay but the characters, and the puzzles were simply awesome. The Prince got "corrupted" after his success...;)
I'd say warrior within was the best of the lot. I would in factr love to see an HD remake of that game. Same game with newer graphics. :)

Still this one is a good news. POP FTW !
^ Agreeeeeeeed.... Warrior Within was truly amazing, and I would also love to see that game remade with newer graphic. The Two Thrones was also nice, combining WW and SoT elements.

I like how the new POP turned out to be, it was fun playing. Although I feel, the non-dying part took out bit of a challenge from the game. I hope the next installment doesn't do that. :)
^Not to mention the repetitive element in the game. And bosses being so frikking easy!

I mean the Dahaka... used... to... give... me... goose-pimples... :fear:

Besides, the new prince looked like a kid compared to the weary and the dark loner in WW. Warrior Within was legendary. Agreed!
Yeah.... Dahaka is still THE villain in POP games. Oh man... I still remember playing whole night trying to outwit that bugger. Not to mention how irritating and frustrating it would get, getting your ass whooped by him. :P

While it's true that Bosses in new POP game were easy, I liked the fighting... Unlike WW and TT, where you could get away with button mashing in swordfights. In the new POP game, you actually had to pay attention to timing and use blocking effectively. But all said and done, once you knew that you're not going to die no matter how much beating you took the thrill of perfecting your attacks got... say, shallow. In the next installment I would like to see badass bosses and challenge of death back in game. And off-course same fighting style which doesn't rely on button mashing. :)
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