CPU/Mobo Problem booting

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I got the blue screen of death whenever I try to turn on the computer.
Can some1 please point me to the right direction?
Look like it does not even pass the bios and load windows 98.
I tried to replace the ram thinking it could be bad ram.

Is there anything else I can do or just dump this old piece of S**T?


PS> this is a kiddy computer just for internet P3 521MB ram..
A little more details required here.

BSOD on turning on the computer???
What are the BIOS PowerOnSelfTest messages?
Does the FDD and HDD lights blink?

Unless you provide a sequence of events that occur from the moment you switch on the computer till it does the BSOD, not many will be able to help you.
BSOD appears right after turning on computer.
I dont remember seeing any other message:
from BIOS Poweronselftest...

No, there is no flashing FDD and HDD light at all.

First make sure everything is seated fully ;)
if so try a different power supply and/ or ram

also the specific BSOD info would be helpful :D
Lets see wat can be done...

One easy step is to reinstall windows, good chance that will solve it. thats only an good easy option if your computer has not got loads of stuff on it. If you don't want to do that then you can download some diagnostic software. Check out www.goldmemory.cz They have a free memory testing program.

Other option to check if the memory is causing problems is to take one of the dimms out. Try it with each in turn and see if you still get problems.

You can also try to boot in safe mode. (press F8 when first booting and select safemode and see if it works.)

You can also try a Repair Install of XP as well. That way you wont lose any infomation on your computer except for Microsoft updates.
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