Storage Solutions Problem detecting IDE drives

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k here's the deal..

i hav 2 problems....

1... weneva my pc boots everything is fine till emory testin... but detectin ide drives... itz upto my luck... half of the time it gets stuck wid memory testin only.. ...n all cables are tightly fitted...none of them loose

2.. this prob is not related to 1st... itz on a diff pc...weneva i try to load win xp.... gives me an error.. unmountable boot vol...... alkso win 98 loads fine...but not wid all drivers
Looks like your keyboard is broken too :P

Okey on to topic...

First PC... Looks like RAM is faulty... Try different RAM and Report Back...

Second PC... The HDD is either dying or has developed bad sectors or the OS is corroupted... But mostly HDD as both OSes are giving probs assuming both OSes are installed on the same HDD... Or maybe you have just screwed up the installation of both the OSes while confuigureing dual booting...
m not tryin to install dual boot.... n wat to do if the hdd has got bad sectors..98 is workin all rite...pc hangin at times..but not frequently... durin xp insatllation m gettin diff errors..setupdd.exe file cannot be copied... or page file overflow...don xactly rem themm..but diff errors come every time...

Second PC - definitely bad sectors on your HDD. Someone give him the name of that software which fixes bad sectors. You can try spinrite, but I think that is paid software.
For 2nd PC , You can use Good old scandisk (Dos Version) of Windows 98

As per my guess area near MBR (initial sectors) has developed problems.
already used scandissk like amillion times..... xp not gettin loaded n 98 also crashin again n again.... xp installation givin errors like unmoutable boot volume..... n 98 wid all drivers not gettin insatlled....after installation wen it runs for first time gives a windows protection error....but 98 gettin installed wid min. drivers but crashin again n again
Its a memory problem something similar happened when I was using a transcend module on my neo4 plat. The module was replaced with another Transcend but I still got the same variable error messages. When the module was finally changed to a Kingston the problem went away.
check the win xp cd for damage. the cannot copied message comes when the cd it self is faulty. When the HDD is faulty it will mostly gets struck at that point or reboots the machie.
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