Problem with BSNL service and their behaviour


Mar 23, 2009
BSNL offered new plan in hyderabad 950rs for 8 Mbps speed.
BSNL Launches New 8Mbps, 16 Mbps and 24 Mbps Unlimited Broadband Plans in Hyderabad

So i have taken that plan. Already i'm having a bsnl landline phone with intenet and so asked them for a feasibility and also told them i dont want too many hanging wires or poles before my house. they said its not required and also they do with the existing lines will support that speed. Also 7 years back they dug inside my house to lay wires and fixed a junction box( which can hold 5-10 connections), which they said at that time they are going with all underground cables and should take.

Alas.. they came one day when i was not at home and my parents were there. they checked and said old connection will not work (but working for existing one which is having internet), dug before my house and put a pole there just opposite to my entrance door and just a few inches away to compound wall and when i asked them why can't they use the other pole just 2 feet away from my entrance they said it is of tata tele and they wont use. I said already electricity and other telecom have kept their poles in the my house lane (my house is in corner) and why can't you people use them instead of setting up their own making my house surronded by all these and also this is just opp to my main door and it will cause the security problem. The BSNl incharge manager started said we are govt,we have right and according to telegraphic act we can place the pole as per their wish as it is govt land. Also the way he was talking and his behaviour sucks. When we talked to Area manager, initially he said we they will see into other opportunities and then couple of days later he is also saying the same things.I asked them why can't they use the old connection line which they dug and laid into my house they are saying they don't have any wire records and are lost.Well Don't we dont have any rights to object the putting the pole?

Secondly post instalation I checked the speed and it comes to around 50-90ms ping and dl speed of 6.2-6.6mbps and upload .6(max) mbps. My house is they 200 mts from their Infrastructure (offices) and when i had asked before the upgrade connection he told me i will get to max i.e close to 8 mbps as my house is very close to the junction point(he said .. i dont know what that he mean..) When i asked i'm not getting full speed as mentioned in the ad he is saying that low speed are good so you wont download much and quota will not be over.I got irritated with his way of talking..and again he is saying that is what ever i get is good speed and you will get loss of 10-20% to the what they say. I dont think what he is saying is correct but just want to get some clarifiaction as this more of technicality. I got irritated with his talk and repending why i should have gone to them for a new connection.

Please suggest me how can i proceed to deal with this legally. will consumer forum can be of any help as this has caused lot of mental agony.