CPU/Mobo Problem With My CPU


Hi guys, please help me out. My CPU suddenly powered off automatically this morning and is not starting from then, Everything except the CPU is working, Speakers monitor...... but CPU is not even powering up. The plug that connects the CPU to UPS, I plugged it even on UPS and even on the switch board, Still no power. What's up ? Help me guys if you can..Thanks
If you dont have any proper suggestions to give do not give.

OP: Are the fans inside the cabinet working, do you see the mobo LED on? Also give your system specs. Do you have a dedicated graphics card etc...
rishabh005 said:
Hi guys, please help me out. My CPU suddenly powered off automatically this morning and is not starting from then, Everything except the CPU is working, Speakers monitor...... but CPU is not even powering up. The plug that connects the CPU to UPS, I plugged it even on UPS and even on the switch board, Still no power. What's up ? Help me guys if you can..Thanks

I guess you are calling the whole cabinet you CPU. And I also presume that your system is not powering up at all. you don't see any light anywhere when trying to switch it on.

The first thing I would do is try another Power Supply Unit (SMPS) on it. How old is your computer and which PSU/SMPS have you been using. Cheap ones usually die in 2-3 years.

Remember to check all the power connections. Lastly take it to a service guy. I don't think you would be able to do much about the Motherboard or (actual) CPU if they have gone Kaput.

Broken RAM would have at least allowed the computer to power up and then shown some blue screen or something.

Other members can chip in with more suggestions. Can't think of more.
Thank You guys...... The problem was with My Power cable that connects the CPU and UPS, I placed a different one and it started working :D

thank u!