Graphic Cards Problem with overclocking

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I have XFX 8600GT when i overclock with rivatuner i get an increase in 3dMARK 06 but when i try to play crysis or sega rally or any other game i get decrease in frame rate no need for any software to detect it i can be seen with eye.So what is the problem.Is it due to my processor dual core 2.8 or motherboard D102G or my PSU intex 450W.I dont remember the clock speed but is only marginal.Thanks
Not being rude but if the min frame decreases but max increases so the avg increase = still worse playing experience.Then why would anyone OC.I cant agree with this.Then pre factory OC one will have this problem then why would anyone buy it.If not then what is the diff if OC by us.
lomac_29 said:
dude ocing a gpu will lower ur minimal frame rate but the average fps will increase....

hahahaha, and where do you get that info from, think twice what you are advising and if you do not have any idea then dont advise.

som, though i can say this should not be happening but the info you have provided is not enuf to help you out.

go back, use fraps, note down the FPS with stock clocks, then OC your graphic card, note down the new clocks and the FPS and then mention it here, so that we can help you in a better way.
lomac_29 said:
dude ocing a gpu will lower ur minimal frame rate but the average fps will increase....

R u kidding ??

How on earth will the minimum FPS decrease when u OC ur card .. run Crysis GPU Benchmark at sock and at OC .. u will know min FPS increases or decreases.
som1053 said:
I have XFX 8600GT when i overclock with rivatuner i get an increase in 3dMARK 06 but when i try to play crysis or sega rally or any other game i get decrease in frame rate no need for any software to detect it i can be seen with eye.So what is the problem.Is it due to my processor dual core 2.8 or motherboard D102G or my PSU intex 450W.I dont remember the clock speed but is only marginal.Thanks

I feel that the OC caused the GPU to overheat resulting in lower performance. The card was not stable enough for gaming @ that clock speed.This is why you noticed a visible slowdown/stutter.
octave said:
I feel that the OC caused the GPU to overheat resulting in lower performance. The card was not stable enough for gaming @ that clock speed.This is why you noticed a visible slowdown/stutter.

Thats a pretty reasonable explanation, but in my experience OS will either lock after a certain time or it will start artifacting after the initial slowdown.
The temp even after OC hovers around 80-84 almost same as without OC.I dont see artifact either.It is just that when i oc framerate decreases but setting it rectifies it.Is it normal or am the unfortunate one. If u want the clock speed or framerate it will take 3-4 day as am out of town.Cant u people help without it.
^^try playing the same section with same settings without overclocking...maybe u just got the settings a bit too high and hence it just always stutters :)
did you test the overclock on your card? using ati tool?
even if the card is ati tool stable,it doesn't necessarily mean that it will work perfectly in might work fine in some games while not in others so if you are getting fps decrease,try and back off on your oc till you don't find it is not dropping off fps in the game.
dont use ati tool to find max!! :D

gamer u have ati so stfu :)

you can use ati tool to overclock nvidia cards(infact its the best) but dont hit the find max button coz it wont stop increasing the clocks and will take steps pf 50 or so, till the clocks go into thousands and comp hangs up
johnjjx said:
i find only the temps to b a reasonable...for dis issue...try better cooling or underclock gpu..

Those are normal temps for XFX 8600GT cards.Overheating is not the problem.

som1053 said:
I have XFX 8600GT when i overclock with rivatuner i get an increase in 3dMARK 06 but when i try to play crysis or sega rally or any other game i get decrease in frame rate no need for any software to detect it i can be seen with eye.So what is the problem.Is it due to my processor dual core 2.8 or motherboard D102G or my PSU intex 450W.I dont remember the clock speed but is only marginal.Thanks
I think the problem is when you overclock the power consumption of the card increases and your power supply is not able to meet those demands.What PS do you have?
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