PC Peripherals Problem with printer black ink

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Guys, till a few days back my HP printer black ink 703 for my HP Inket F735 was functioning very well but just day before yesterday my black ink has gone kaput. Now when I try to photo copy using only black ink it gives me out a blank page, when I print out a word document of black ink the resultant is a faded grey like page because my colored ink is alright. Half of my ink is still not used up, please suggest me what should I do. I dont have iso propyl alcohol at home, i have just cleared the ink copper heads using cotton swabs. Help me
it must have dried up a bit. HP uses pigment ink. Your best bet is to get it refilled or if you know how to refill yourself, just get a 100ml black pigment ink refill and take 5-10ml of ink to refill the cartridge.
refilling a cartridge is easy.
Isnt it a risky thing to refill catridges on your own? Plus from where can I buy this pigment ink refill.
^ what risk? All you have to do is to fill up the almost empty tank with some more ink using an injection. Injecting 5-10ml ink wont spill over or leak inside the printer. Each cartridge holds around 16ml i guess. I've filled upto 16ml in completely empty cartridge. more than that and it comes out.
you can get pigment ink from nearby store or ebay if you dont mind waiting for few days.


The thing I am worried about is that even though right now my catridge is half filled then too it is giving out blank pages, which draws me to the conclusion that the catridge head might be spoiled so if it that is true then even if I fill the whole catridge then too it will not print. Do you think I am right?
no, its not spoilt. same happened to me too when my hp cartridge was half empty. Its because of economy mode setting. in economy mode, printer prints very fast and draws less ink. with time, you see, economy mode prints becoming lighter and lighter. if you dont refill the ink in this time, then you will get dark printout only if you print in high dpi or best mode which is slowest and uses most amount of ink.

if you want to make your cartridge last longer fill it regularly.
Okay, so right now the only way for me to make my catridge work is by refilling it? is that what you mean?
I am about to go to get the catridge refilled, BTW what all benefits will I get if I buy a new one? I mean is there any big performance difference if I use a new catridge or get mine refilled.
some small difference. refilled and original work almost same. refilled might blot on paper a bit or might look dark blue/green due to ink quality.
the last original HP economy black cartridge i bought printed in some dark shade of blue/ green i think.
It seems your black cartridge is finished. Now a days HP started giving a demo sort of cartridge with a new printer, which has a partition to make it less than half. There are two options. Collect an empty but good conditioned 703 cartridge from someone and refill it as the one came with your printer will not hold much ink. If you find difficult finding one then, buy a new cartridge and keep on refilling it no sooner it finishes, to avoid drying up. You can still refill the existing one but do not put more than 5-8ml and put ink towards the front side as the back side is partitioned and blocked.
Guys, on your suggestion I bought a new refill of pigment ink, injected the ink in my catridge but my computer says that the ink level is still the same and the problem of blank pages being printed out is still there. I had cleaned my black catridge with a cotton swab and tried removing all the extra or dried up ink before doing this procedure of refilling.



As you can see above the black catridge's metal part is completely clean and no ink is coming out even though I have manually refilled it but for the tri color one the metal part is filled with colors. Is something wrong with the head of my black catridge.
no, it's normal. you need to keep it aside for a few hours for the ink to settle down in the sponge to get good printouts. Its normal for the printer to say cartridge is empty but will still print fine.
After refilling always keep head side down on some paper or piece of old cloth.
What about the condition of my catridge, does seem to be alright? I mean the metal part is totally plain, with no ink on it. Is that normal?
I tried putting the catridge head in hot water and some ink leaked out of it, then when I placed it in the printer the prints came out perfect but after like 5 to 6 pages the ink has gone away now. Now when I put the head again in hot water ink is not leaking out. It seems the time has come for me to throw this one and buy a new one. What do you think?
hot water? :scared14:
the cartridge has circuits in it. what were you thinking? a water drop is bigger than an ink drop, and if it does not dry properly, the ink circuits will clog with dirt from water. probably you just wasted a good cartridge. you need to have patience when refilling a cartridge. sometimes, it does not print in 2-3 tries. but after that it prints properly. no need to give it a bath in hot water or anything.
people usually just fill 1-2ml more and let ink flow out through the heads.
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Oh so you mean, it is alright to overfill the cartridge? In that case the ink will start coming out of the heads. Even though somehow the ink has started to work again, after refilling some more ink.
Your cartridge head is dried & clogged up. You can try holding it near water steam. While buying refill kit, they usually provide an instrument to suck ink from the head. You have to try that...
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Yeah, I think Samkong you are right, because when I put the catridge head in the hot water, the ink started coming out temporarily but after 5 or 6 prints the ink again went back and the printer started giving me blank pages. Now when I repeated the process, till now the printing is working fine. I just hope that now my catridge wont give me much trouble, Anyway thanks samkong and thanks 6pack.
Steam has more kinetic energy than hot water That's why..... :-) It was really nice discussing with you. Happy printing.
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