PC Peripherals Problem with Samsung 2233SW


I bought a new Samsung 2233SW monitor.But I have some problems.

1) The box didnt contain any DVI cabe.So I bought a new DVI cable.But when I try to connect the Cable to my graphics card(Nvidia 6600 GT).I am getting a message on the screen"Check the Cable, ANALOG".Even if I didnt connect any cable, I am getting the same message "Check the Cable, ANALOG".

2)The resoluion I set is 1920x1080.But in this resolution i cant see some of my top and bottom parts of my screen(I cant see my taskbar).But when I connect the monitor to my friend's PC,there wasnt any such problem.I tried the settings of the monitor,but there is no option to stretch or compress the screen

3)The text looks a little blurred,Plz chk the link

Why cant I use the DVI cable ?
R u experiencing this problem in only DVI cable?

BTW, have u installed this monitor's driver? (there should be some CD for drivers that came along with your monitor)
is there DVI driver for monitors?!!

there will be option for switching between D-Sub(Analog) and DVI. Try switching it to DVI, btw by default the monitor should detect DVI or Analog..there should be some problem with the monitor inputs.
Right now I am using the 2233SW using the VGA cable.I tried to switch between the DVI and VGA mode(after connecting both cables),but the monitor comes back to the Analog mode
anilthomas26 said:
1) The box didnt contain any DVI cabe.So I bought a new DVI cable.But when I try to connect the Cable to my graphics card(Nvidia 6600 GT).I am getting a message on the screen"Check the Cable, ANALOG".Even if I didnt connect any cable, I am getting the same message "Check the Cable, ANALOG".

For me, if no cable is connected, it will scan both analog and digital inputs. the text displayed switches from ANALOG to DIGITAL and back continuously.
anilthomas26 said:
2)The resoluion I set is 1920x1080.But in this resolution i cant see some of my top and bottom parts of my screen(I cant see my taskbar).But when I connect the monitor to my friend's PC,there wasnt any such problem.I tried the settings of the monitor,but there is no option to stretch or compress the screen
Try pressing the "AUTO" button on the right side of the monitor.
anilthomas26 said:
Why cant I use the DVI cable ?

You can. I am using a DVI cable.
Why I am getting the "Check Cable" error when I connect the DVI cable?

I tried the Auto Adjust button.But nothing happened .Still my Taskbar is below the screen(i cant see my taskbar)

Is this all because of my graphics card 6600GT?.Because I dont have any problem with the resolution,when I connected my monitor in my friend's PC(his card is FX5200)
The analog and digital input scanning keeps on going till the monitor finds a valid input. What u can do is connect both DVI and VGA cables to appropriate sockets on the card(DVI -> DVI and VGA -> VGA).

Then switch between both to see if input is received on both.

If the input doesn't come on DVI, check whether the cable u are using is proper. See if u can get ur friends DVI cable and if it works.

And for the taskbar cut thingy, just change the resolution to 1920x1080 and all will be fine. Its definitely not set to HD, else the text won't be blurry.
Else, u can also try removing all NVIDIA drivers and doing a reinstall of the latest drivers. Along with it, update the drivers of the monitor using Windows Update.

Do all of this and u should be all set with ur new monitor.

And ya, no need to panic...:p
I have a Samsung 2033 Monitor with a GTX 275, and i am using the vga cable alongwith the DVI-VGA dongle that came alongwith the graphics card. I too wanted a DVI cable but when i inquired about it, a dealer told me that the DVI - DVI cable which are used for the monitors of other brands such as LG, DELL etc do not fit to the Samsung one :( He told me that the DVI port present on the samsung was different than the other monitors[i suppose DVI-I as opposed to DVI-D]. Can someone verify this and suggest me which DVI cable to buy?(Correct me if i am wrong)
I think the same is the problem with the 2233 since the monitor is switching to the analog mode by default.
uninstal ur video drivers,plug monitor using dvi,then reinstall drivers,,should probably solve the problem

sohancool said:
He told me that the DVI port present on the samsung was different than the other monitors[i suppose DVI-I as opposed to DVI-D]

dvi-i can take both analog n digital
dvi-d only digital
dvi-a only analog
so any dvi cable should work
The problem was with my DVI cable.i tried another DVI cable and it worked.The DVI mode solved all my problems.

The resolution became correct and the Text became more sharp.

But after connecting the the DVI cable I got a new problem;the screen starts flickering.

Then I updated my Nvidia Drivers.Thus the flickering stopped.But still there was one problem.When I play movies,they look pixelated.Then I Installed Windows 7.
In Win 7 everything is working fine.

Thanks everybody for the advices :)
anilthomas26 said:
The problem was with my DVI cable.i tried another DVI cable and it worked.The DVI mode solved all my problems.

That's what I suspected, also remember to set the "clear type" font setting for LCD monitors that give you crisp text.