CPU/Mobo Problem with XP 2400+ and A7V400-MX

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Enclave Plus

My friend has a XP2400+ DKV4D....also a A7V400-MX....

its always runnin at 65-70degrees, even in the winter!!!!!

checked the paste, it had got completelt spread over the die. I cleaned it, applied some generic paste. Still shows high temps!!!! high temps confirmed coz i burnt my hand trying to removed the HSF :P

the heatsink has a big copper core, just like the TT Volcano 6 used to have....

i just switched the 2400+ with a 2000+ DUT3C. the 2000+ always runs @ 35degs even in the summer on an A7V333 (courtesy my HSF mod :ohyeah: ) but in the BIOS itself, i saw temps shoot up thru the roof.....just secs after boot, temps increased like...2 degs per second till it reached 65degs....

so...whats the problem??? i suspect the mobo or the HSF coz another of my friend has a XP2400+ DKV4D, with an A7N266-VM, his temps are always in the 40 region.

PS : This is not an isolated problem. His room mate has the same config, he gets the same temps too.....
the temp that shoots up is the die temp.the hsf temp is always considerably lower.
On my 2000+@2ghz,1.7v,burn k7 produces hsf temps of about 55-57c where as the die temp may shoot up to as much 72c.Thats with a stock hsf,lapped (my came w/o copper core)and modded with a very good coolermaster 70mm fan.
About the generic paste:is it by softpak?thats the only one thats good enuf.
I bought a small tube of generic paste for 20 bucks (not softpak one)and it is totally useless.
some generic paste which came in a 10g box....

but the paste is not the problem. I use it on the 2000+ DUT3C, it always runs @ 35degrees....

i suspect the mobo to be at fault here.....
Check the Vcore, check FSB/clock speeds.
I suspect, if temps for any proc are shooting through the roof , it means the motherboard ain't supplying the right voltage.
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