CPU/Mobo Processor Query

Well, which one would be a better and futureproof processor??

E6750 or Q6600

If the price is not a matter then which proccy would ROCK??:p

By that i mean if i am not planning on upgrading for the next 2.5-3yrs then which proccy should i get??
..I would suggest Q6600 SLACR .. has 1333 FSB and could be overclocked easily (atleast that is what i assume from previews) ..
and have 4 cores (better than two ;) ) ..
actually what are your normal tasks ?? ...
+1 for Q6600, but native FSB is not 1333 though. I think its 1066. Shouldnt matter.

I have similar plans, will be finishing my build in couple of months and wont be getting anything more for next couple of years (maybe except getting more HDDs as data expands).
there is simply no debate that Q6600 would be more futureproof. But its potential might not be used till about the next 1-2 years, considering which E6750 can be bought for present day gaming.
also i wont be overclocking AT ALL!!...:p

i also heard about all the heat issuses....

will stock cooling be fine if i dont overclock?? or do i need to get some good heatsink even if i dont overclock??
Stock or OC, think a quaddy needs an aftermarket cooler and a good one at that. The latest G0 is supposed to be lot better than earlier ones in terms of heat probs. But if you plan on a Q6600, buy a good cpu cooler with it.
well if i get a Q6600, im kinda short on cash......:(

any good CPU coolers for 2.5-2.8K?? (in Chennai)

plus ive nevr assembled a comp bfore so i really dont even know how to fix a processor into the mobo...:S is setting up a CPU cooler hard??...
random2 said:
+1 for Q6600, but native FSB is not 1333 though. I think its 1066. Shouldnt matter.

I have similar plans, will be finishing my build in couple of months and wont be getting anything more for next couple of years (maybe except getting more HDDs as data expands).
.. i think q6600 (SLAR) G-0 stepping have 1333 front side bus ...
skada said:
.. i think q6600 (SLAR) G-0 stepping have 1333 front side bus ...

nopes ... the G0 stepping has 1066 FSB ;)

@lostinthought: u can get a TRUE for around 2.5k... check the GO's if they are available... TRUE will be sufficient to u for overclocking till 3.6 GHz :)
if u are not overclocking then u do not need a aftermarket cooler for the Q6600.

just make sure its the G0 stepping. those run more cooler than the previous steppings.
if u are not overclocking then u do not need a aftermarket cooler for the Q6600.

Right. The companies provide the stock cooling so that it can be used right out of the box with cpu running at specified default/stock speed. However you should opt for a well ventilated case. No need to invest extra money on cooling if you are not going to overclock.
okay so will chuck the plans of getting a cooler ans save some cash...:D

will get one latr tho...:p

btw ive seen in some sites bout CPU temperatures and stuff, those guys freak out if the CPU temp hits 48-50C....our room temps are around 40C during the summer so wont it get too hot for us??
ok....now im quite set on going for the quad...:D

is chieftec cabbies good for keeping quads cool?? or should i go for some other cabby?? ( i maybe getting TRUE in the near future)

if possible plz suggest me some some 2.1 speakers for 1K-1.5K (cant exceed this :()

well is xfx 650i ultra a good mobo for the quad.....coz if it isnt and if i need to get a costlier mobo then i need to chuck the quad and go for dual...:(
get your self a bio star P35 based mobo , 5k cost and a good mobo to. i dont think u will be using sli any ways. look in the hot deals section there is one going on by rahul i guess.
lostinthought said:
ok....now im quite set on going for the quad...:D

is chieftec cabbies good for keeping quads cool?? or should i go for some other cabby?? ( i maybe getting TRUE in the near future)

if possible plz suggest me some some 2.1 speakers for 1K-1.5K (cant exceed this :()

well is xfx 650i ultra a good mobo for the quad.....coz if it isnt and if i need to get a costlier mobo then i need to chuck the quad and go for dual...:(

Can sell you my Altec Lansing ATP 3 for 1.5k.... pm me if interested.