Monitors Pros & Cons of wide screen LCD monitors ...

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What are the advantages & disadvantages of going in for a wide screen LCD monitor ?

Considering the fact that almost every PC has a DVD drive, why aren't all LCD monitors wide screen ?

every1 has theyre choice,not every1 likes widescreen,

i dont see any disadvantages ,jus a personal choice
:) Is it not true that most of the widescreens are less costly than the non-widescreen ones atleast compared to the better models?There must be some distinction or else they will all make it widescreen or non-widescreen:) Shall do some search for the differences:)
Major disadvantage with widescreens is that not all games support them. Plus the additional benifit of using a 4:3 screen is the screen size eg. a 19" 4:3 appears much larger than a 20" wide. The 20" wide screen has the screen height of a 17" and the width just stretched out a bit.

Wides are great if your into DVD and working with multiple docs.
well ALL new games supoprt em and 2 be frank if the game is good duh it will support else ur playing the wrong game :P
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