H2O Discoverer Jul 19, 2009 #1 Looking to buy a PS2 for some casual gaming and some arcade gaming with friends and family. I am planning to buy it from Kolkata so can anyone suggest shopnames Also what would the app price be with 1 extra controller and 1 memory card. Thanks
Looking to buy a PS2 for some casual gaming and some arcade gaming with friends and family. I am planning to buy it from Kolkata so can anyone suggest shopnames Also what would the app price be with 1 extra controller and 1 memory card. Thanks
É É±É‘É–É–Ê Explorer Jul 19, 2009 #2 Available in Mumbai, free shipping eBay India: SONY PLAYSTATION 2 PS2 + 30GAMES + 2CONTRLER + 8MB (item 170359424862 end time 19-Jul-2009 23:26:37 IST)
Available in Mumbai, free shipping eBay India: SONY PLAYSTATION 2 PS2 + 30GAMES + 2CONTRLER + 8MB (item 170359424862 end time 19-Jul-2009 23:26:37 IST)