PS3 60GB (Is it available in India ?)

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Hi all.

I don't own a console as of now.But want to buy one now.I spent over 1 lakh last year to build my pc , now I can't keep spending money again and again just to play future and newer games like GTA 4 on pc .

I know the latest available PS3 version in India is 40GB version.I want to play PS2 games as well like Gran Turismo 4 , so I need backwards compatibility.

The 60GB , original had the Emotion engine , Is the 60 GB version still available in India.

Will there be any warranty in the 60GB version.

Any info will be appreciated.


Joy :)
Hardly, plus there is no support for 60GB version in India. If you give your 60GB one for RMA then you will end up with a 40GB one. I suggest you go for a 40GB PS3. Gran Turismo 5 will be coming in 2009 anyway and GT5 prologue is pretty good.
OK , but I have heard the 80GB has software emulation for backwards compatibility and in future firmware updates it will be backwards compatible to most PS2 games.

If that is the case , won't it be better to get the PS3 80GB when it gets released in India , which could be pretty soon as per Sony India CEO.
Only the 60GB NTSC version of PS3 has the Emotion Engine. The PAL version has software emulated backward compatibility.
I'm sure I'm one of the lucky ones to have the 60GB NTSC with emotion engine :D, as said be nemesis, only the NTSC had the hardware chip.
It's a pity that Sony decided to remove the backwards compatibility from the new PS3's.

Ya , it reduces cost but they should have kept a separate expensive model mainly because of backwards compatibility with the PS2 games.I am sure there would have been many customers world wide who would have bought the expensive version just to play their favorite PS2 games.

So there is no way to get a PS3 60GB PAL or NTSC in India ? :Comp3: :Comp3:
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