My PS3 Blue-Ray drive died today.
It was working flawlessly yesterday (was playing Heavenly Sword) and today it made a weird clicking noise when I popped in the disk and did not recognize the disk. I ejected it and put it back in, this time I could not even hear it spinning, tried other discs but no go, tried rebooting the PS3, but no result.
Seems this is a well known problem on the Internet as several people reported a similar problem. But it seems the rate of this sort of failure is very less.
Anyways, I will have to take it to the local service center and wait for at least 2 weeks. :no:

It was working flawlessly yesterday (was playing Heavenly Sword) and today it made a weird clicking noise when I popped in the disk and did not recognize the disk. I ejected it and put it back in, this time I could not even hear it spinning, tried other discs but no go, tried rebooting the PS3, but no result.
Seems this is a well known problem on the Internet as several people reported a similar problem. But it seems the rate of this sort of failure is very less.
Anyways, I will have to take it to the local service center and wait for at least 2 weeks. :no: