PS3 finally cracked ?

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what i wanna c is ps3 games being sold like ps2 games. i.e Available easily everywhere at 50-100bucks price range. The developers have F@#$ed the ppl enuf by chargin 2.5-3.5k for a game.
Its high time sum1 cracks the ps3.
I think it will boost the sale of the console and ppl who wanna buy original can do so every other platform.
n00b said:
^ ^
Me Two! The belzar thing will only activate booting of PS2 DVD's if the PS3 that you own has BC.

Yeah that makes sense...

And Bluray piracy will be tough to conquer.. even here in the USA your ISP is going to have probs if you download at 25gig bluray game every 2nd day, lol. Besides, with full software control Sony can fight the modchips with firmware releases.
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