ps3 help

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i want to create a PSN account i am using MTNL broadband in bridge mode got a linksys WRT54G wireless router i cannot configure it with ps3:( :( :( :( :( it works fine with my laptop:) :) :) :)
explain every thing to me in detail
Make sure you have the correct security type and correct key selected in the ps3, you may have better luck with the ps3 connection to the router if you select to have both psk1 and psk2 shared key, operating in mixed mode on the router firmware wireless security.
well i am using my MTNL broadband in bridge mode and not able to configure connetion if some body can help me in this
how can i configure wireless connection on ps3 as my MTNL router(DSL-502T)settings are in bridge mode
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