PS3 ISO loader on the way?

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PS3 ISO loader on the way?

If you're a card-carrying black-hat hacker, then a couple of significant news items have hit the crackerverse this week. First, the last reminaing PS3 game to be dumped, Tiger Woods 07, has hit the newsgroups for your downloading pleasure. Now, what to do with all of that binary goodness? An answer may be on the way. In the .NFO file for Tiger Woods, an interesting hint of things to come was made:

| |
| Stop nagging about loaders - it will come if and when its ready |
| Now sod off and let us beta test it ! |

Interesting, indeed. PS3Fanoby in no way condones the illegal downloading or playing of PS3 games. However, Xbox 360 games are aok. We kid, we kid.

PS3 ISO loader on the way? - PS3 Fanboy
ISO loaders. Lol. PSP and Ps3 are indeed true friends if both can be cracked with an ISO loader.

And this is bad news for Sony. Modchippig renders the warranty, so many people don't go for it. Iso Loaders only require a custom firmware flashing - many people go for it. And since games will be initially costing 59.99, many many people will be going for it :/
^^^ and so they ultimately end up in more losses per console that they sell....actually they are profiting by not manufaturing more PS3's
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