PS3+OnlineGaming(FIFa2009)+Airtel Broadband

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PS3+OnlineGaming(FIFa2009)+Airtel Broadband= Bliss or Pain in the butt?

My question is simple, I want to play fifa 2009 online,
Back in the day when I lived in Canada Online gaming was a bliss.
But now I am in india so I havent tried it on any consol yet.
I have a 1mbps Airtel connection and I want to pick up a PS3, and now
with the 160gb coming in it seems like a good deal.

I just have a few questions I understand connecting it thru the
Airtel Broadband should not be an issue, and on the PC I can play TF2 and CS without any problems, I want to know how is the online gaming with the PS3 + Airtel and I really only want to know for Fifa 2009

So please if anyone is on any connection using the PS3 to play online please post here before I spend most of my next months pay and realise it sucks to play Fifa 2009 online.

Thanks for the help.
well i have played on a 256kbps connection (though not airtel) and fifa 09 was working lag free on the ps3. so on 1mbps, it will absolutely work perfectly, dont worry.
I have airtel 384kbps, and all i play these days is the Fifa09 on my ps3, works like a charm, no lag at all, buy , you will totally LOVE it.
Depends on the game. I think most people have no problem with Fifa. But the lag is atrocious in games like Metal Gear Solid 4.
Dude i tried to play FIFA 09 with my bro (living in Spain) and the game lagged sooooo much.. like i never had control over my player/controller. I pressed the 'X' button to pass and the ball passed like 2-3 seconds later.

That is not how it is supposed to go.



^^ What has LAG got to do with your Connection Speeds?

Isn't the routing part responsible for the lag :S ?
I have an Airtel 1mbps too. In FIFA if you play with firangis its gonna lag, but with indians theres no lag.

For LBP there's not much lag except when 4 people start spamming stickers in your pod >_>
guys,,,I have the airtel + ps3+fifa09 and i get no lag playing with firang's its totally cool, only con i can see is the addictiveness.
There are some games on the PS3 that handle lag very well, like Resistance and Motorstorm. You can play these on 256kbps with anyone in the world and the game plays for you exactly like it plays in the single player. Warhawk too.

Then there's COD4 that don't respond well if you are connected to players on the other side of the world, it will lag.

And 256kbps is sufficient speed to play online on PS3, but don't visit HOME :P
lag depends on the latency you r getting from the server and not the speed of ur net connection still 256kbps is recommend for online gaming.
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