PS3 or Xbox 360?

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Next time please check for the similar threads which have already been made by many users.

As for your query, (Basically summing up what others have already mentioned on this thread)

PS3 Pros

1. PS3 has better exclusives because half of the 360 Titles are available for PC as well.

2. PS3 has better features compared to the 360, example~ WiFi, BRay, now SLIM as well!

3. Cheaper compared to the 360.

PS3 Cons

1. Expensive Titles i.e Console cannot be modded.


Even though you have XBox Live, you cannot use it if your 360 console is modded, you're console is bound to get banned, doesn't matter when.

PS- I think the mod's should create a thread comparing all the consoles so that anyone who has such a query next time can just refer that thread rather than 100s of users creating the same thread over and over again!
^ i think i'll get ps3 by tomorrow or day after..... just pray to god that dad give me cheque as early as possible......

ps3 slim is launching in november and will be arnd 17-19k and everything will be same features,power consumption everyhting just thinner size and small chip that's it....
parasharenator said:
It should depend on what kind of games/experience you want?

As a first console,Xbox 360 is a better option.

!.)the no. of games..

2.)People do tend to forget Xbox live,,halo3!?!?

and if you want bragging rights,,and all the BD hogwash.go get a PS3!

1. Quality matters more than quantity. all the good games are on 360 are multi platform (or at least they are on the PC). There are very few exclusives for the platform these days. The last great game I played obsessively on 360 was Mass Effect and that too got released for the PC a while later. Now my 360 is lying idle.

2. Halo 3 is the first game I got when I bought my 360 Elite. I would rate it 2/10 at best. Poor single player campaign (I had more fun playing the single player campaign of Soul Calibur 4) and Graphics are too blurry for a next gen console title. The only way its played is online is multi player and that too, I would rather play UT2004.
Get a PS3, even if in next 4-5 years many things change. PC gaming which is robust might have a breakthrough in the way games are played but still for a console PS3 is the best bang for your bick.
Again same question and same old answer simple point if you can afford the ps3 games go for it else if you cant or dont want to go for xbox reason u know why
Punker said:
^ i think i'll get ps3 by tomorrow or day after..... just pray to god that dad give me cheque as early as possible......

ps3 slim is launching in november and will be arnd 17-19k and everything will be same features,power consumption everyhting just thinner size and small chip that's it....
Everythying is fine, except that the power consumption has been halved :hap2:
Punker said:
^ i think i'll get ps3 by tomorrow or day after..... just pray to god that dad give me cheque as early as possible......

ps3 slim is launching in november and will be arnd 17-19k and everything will be same features,power consumption everyhting just thinner size and small chip that's it....

PS3 Slim has launched for $299 in the US

and is available in delhi @ palika for 19.5k
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