ps3 owner rejoice DTS MASTER audio is coming

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Thats gr8 news abt the DTS HD Master audio being provided thru a firmware update.Wish i had a receiver that could handle these HD audio formats.Guess ill just have to donate a kidney,an arm,a leg and a few buckets of blood.
well i heard there are issues with the decoding cheaps found in all onkyo,where there is occasional cracking sound .
well for those u who already have a 7.1 channel A/V reciever but which cannot decode the new HD audio,then its best to wait for Sony BDP-S550 which decodes all the formats and has analog 7.1 ch out and costs only MSRP $499.
those who already have a a/v reciever with built in HD audio decoding then u can go for Sony BDP-S350 costs MSRP $399 or PS3(40gb) same price.
TechHead said:
^Will all that fetch you 32k? That's the price of an Onkyo TX-SR605.. handles all the audio formats mentioned..

well onkyos have the some issues with there decoding cheaps when playing DTS HD MA there is aloud pop,which can damage the speakers,so the newer one TX-SR606 will hopefully would have solved this one.

but the cheapest recievers that can decode without any issues is the STR-DG820 costs only MSRP $399 so its $100 cheaper then the onkyo.
^yes its unfortunate that sony have stopped selling av recievers in india,but it should be available in the grey market for around 20000.the sony reciever costs the same as a 40gb ps3.
^well they are not readly available, but if u place the order they will get it,atleast thats the case in bangalore.
well some of the grey markets guys are willing to get a 100kg floorstandings speakers on order.
well according to some sources the ps3 will not output bitstream but will decode itself and send it as pcm so u dont need a A/V reciever with DTS MA capability,all u need is a reciever with hdmi 1.1 or u can get a onkyo TX-SR505 or 506 which cost about 25000 and it will get the job done.
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