PS3 owners discussion thread

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One thread to rule them all!

2.50 FW is out, fixes some stuff with some new things to check out, oh and those who can go online, go into the US PSN store and download the Warhawk demo (they finally released it -_- ), and I'll guarantee you'll be hooked :ohyeah:

Also, Socom Confrontations released. LBP is coming out soon (I was in the beta), and Resistance 2 is coming out soon but I won't be getting it on release, the 60 player MP is gonna rock though.

Anyways, what games you people playing?
Preordered LBP on GI!

Still waiting for FF13.

and about 2.5 ... Give me something of some worth, HOME!!!!!!!!
Got SoD as soon as i got my copy of Fifa. Beat that <_<

Gotta buy LBP(pre ordered), Mirror's Edge and Fallout 3 this year
Playing Burnout: Paradise, and GT5 Prologue. Finished Drake's Fortune last week, finally!

Got a bunch of Blu-Rays, incl. the Harry Potter boxset and Planet Earth. Yummy!
Playing Resistance, MGS4 online. Waiting for Oblivion 4 (the wait is killing me). Will purchase Far Cry2 and Fallout 3 once they are released.

btw who else thinks Bioshock demo looked sh*tty on the PS3?
^^ Didnt bother downloading. But i heard that they are releasing a patch for the full game to make the textures for BD better. I dont think ill ever play FPS on consoles.
Not going to give Resistance 2 a try unless it gets reaaally good reviews because I found Resistance : FoM quite boring
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