PS3 September Launch, PS3 Hub in few weeks

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Source : next-gen

September launch

Developer sources are also suggesting that PlayStation 3 is currently scheduled to launch in September. A launch games release schedule seen by our sources states a September launch. Although the schedule does not explicitly state a hardware launch date, nor a launch territory, we understand Japan and U.S will both see the machine in September.

Some in the industry have taken this as a lead to speculate that September 16 would be a launch date in Japan (a Saturday before a national holiday) followed by September 21 in the U.S.
These dates are not confirmed and, as always, launch dates are subject to constant revision.

A spokesperson for SCEA said the company does not comment on rumors.

PS3 Hub

According to well-placed industry sources, PlayStation HUB will offer PlayStation 3 owners much the same services as Xbox Live, including chat, downloadable demos, independent games and online play. The service is also designed to support PSP online play as well as PS3. It's a departure from PlayStation 2's online strategy, widely regarded as vastly inferior to Microsoft's.

PlayStation HUB is being described to developers as a 'subscriber service' suggesting a monthly charge. We understand the service is being created by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, although this is unconfirmed.

Sony boss Howard Stringer is pushing for all media content to be available for distribution over PlayStation HUB, such as music and movies, thus opening up a powerful iTunes-like distribution network for Sony.

However, we understand Sony is preparing to announce HUB some time in the next few weeks.
dipdude said:
Source : next-gen

PlayStation HUB is being described to developers as a 'subscriber service' suggesting a monthly charge. We understand the service is being created by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, although this is unconfirmed.

Oh c'mon,the only thing I liked abt sony is tht they wouldn't charge anything for playing online,but looks like they are following microsoft's greedy ways slowly..nevertheless,I'll still buy it and pay for the god damn subscription since playing online is more fun.
I really don't think PS3 hub will be as good as XBOX live. These kind of things usually get of to a rough start. It will take them another generation at least to match xlive.

As for the September launch, it was pretty obvious. Sony really had nothing playable to show. There was no way they could have made their intended spring launch.
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