Ps3 superslim buying advise

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hi guys,

is the new ps3 superslim good ? i heard that the new DVD tray mechanism is crappy ?

i will be buying a ps3 tomorrow or day after tommorow ? should i buy the superslim or the slim ? and which model as i will using the console only to play legit games and occasionally movies ?

also Please suggest me a good place to buy ? online will also do :)

Thanks & Regards
Either model is good for playing legit orginal Blurays .. The regular slim model should be cheaper now right.. Get a good package deal.
The regular slim model should be cheaper now right
Not really:(
@op-Even i am considering buying a super slim. The best deal i got was on ebay...the guy was selling the 500gb version with 2 games(Uncharted and Gran Turismo 5) in 17.6k.
Either model is good for playing legit orginal Blurays .. The regular slim model should be cheaper now right.. Get a good package deal.
what i had gathered.... the new super slim 500gb model with GT5 and UC3 cost 19990 same as 320gb move bundle
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