ps3 vs Xbox?

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^^ I expected better from you.

Just because a product has a warranty, doesn't mean you should have to avail of it.

I guess MS didn't test it in a real world setting - you know, the one where you get a bunch of dudes to play Halo for 1 bazillion hours straight and see when it crashes.

Is there really enough info on the new X360's? I haven't heard of the RROD with them, but then again I haven't heard the reverse either...
Of course I have no problem in blaming MS for releasing what is easily the faultiest console ever and they should have really paid for it by having their product banned until the problem was fixed but I also doubt the motive behind the question of it's instability being brought up. In most cases, sadly it is just people being annoyed that they can't mod their X360 to indulge in piracy without the risk of voiding their warranty.

KK said:
Is there really enough info on the new X360's? I haven't heard of the RROD with them, but then again I haven't heard the reverse either..

Well, I think I remember hearing the problem as "still persisting". The problem is not with the GPU but with the mobo. I read somewhere that whenever an X360 is returned on account of the RROD, the mobo is simply replaced and the X360 sent back.
KingKrool said:
Is there really enough info on the new X360's? I haven't heard of the RROD with them, but then again I haven't heard the reverse either...

Yes, there are cases of RRoD's on falcon based Halo 3 Special Editions consoles.
Ck Nish said:
That's the sort of thing they have warranties for. Yeah, try it out some time. Yeah!

yes but the warranty is there only for a year. after that your pretty much screwed. what should the user do then? a consoles life is way beyond 1 year. people usually enjoy it for a length of 3-4 years.
yes but the warranty is there only for a year. after that your pretty much screwed. what should the user do then?

Get the ooh extended warranty for another aaah 1 or 2 years. Yeah!
Ooh! Look at the brains on the Kremling there, yeah! Looks like detective advertently obvious aaah better find himself a new job Ouch! 'cause there's a new one in town yeah and his name is you! Ooh
@Shwetank: like i've told u, get a ps3 40gb... the reasons mentioned in this thread will support this decision....
KK said:
Well I'm only upset because you didn't invite me along. I thought we were partners in crime.

To me, you've always seemed like the mature, responsible, non-reckless kind of person. Not the type who'd be able to keep with my antics. I don't want no old timer holdin me back, ya dig?:P

shwetank said:
thanks A LOT guys ..for a newbie like me this forum was overwhelming with responses.

So what did you finally decide upon? Don't worry, I won't bite.
stormblast said:
yes but the warranty is there only for a year. after that your pretty much screwed. what should the user do then? a consoles life is way beyond 1 year. people usually enjoy it for a length of 3-4 years.

Your warranty is extended to 3 years incase you get a RROD.
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