PS4 gaming lounge, profitable ?

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I am planning to open a high-end PS4 gaming lounge,

As of now have following specs in mind
1) 40-inch LED
2) PS4 with two headphones
3) Two dual-shock controller for each console
4) 16mbps line for online gaming
5) LAN Gaming option

* There'a also one option ringing, keep 5 xbox one and 5 ps4
I had survey local gaming parlor's where i did found that, they are generally offering ps3 with 21-inch CRT @ 40 rupee per hour, and they are generally packed through out the day :O

Initially i am planning to go for 10 system setup, along with small snack corner :)

Needed help from all you smart guyz for pros and cons of it :)

Any help will be appreciated
Total cost including interiors etc would come to around 15-20L. This is assuming you have your own space.

Assume that all 10 machines are occupied at an average of 10hrs/day. If you charge 50 bucks/hour you would end up making 5000 bucks/day. You'll take atleast a year or moreto break even and that is not even considering stuff like electricity charges, employee salaries, maintenance etc...

May make sense if you have an empty space just lying around but i don't think at that price it would be viable in a mall etc...
The following math is working in my mind :)
1) LG LED 42 inch 42LN54000 cost = 21k (got some nice source in company)
2) PS4 = 26k, getting a nice private deal :D
3) wireless headphones = 3k
4) Internet = 4000
5) Electricity = 2-3 rupee per unit :D
6) Two satff = 4000x2
7) Interior = 2 lac approx (60 % is already done)
You know for gaming purpose 42" TV is deal breaker... It will completely ruin the gaming purpose if player seat close to it...

And do you have your own thermal power plant? :eek:
Who gives energy that cheap?

And that 4000 salary is weekly or monthly and if monthly, are you planning to employee beggar as helper...
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Screw the lounge, get in to the electronics business.

Also, how will you source 10TVs at that price? And PS4 for 26k each and that too 5 pieces?

private source :D :D

You're going to pay your staff only 4000?

This is the trend here, since cost of living is low
You know for gaming purpose 42" TV is deal breaker... It will completely ruin the gaming purpose if player seat close to it...

And do you have your own thermal power plant? :eek:
Who gives energy that cheap?

And that 4000 salary is weekly or monthly and if monthly, are you planning to employee beggar as helper...

Will 42inch will be really big for gaming ?? , or should i go for 32-inch ??

@4000-6000 salary, we do get really good employees here :)
Also, isn't 150bucks a day the minimum guaranteed salary in India or something...legally at least?

His math sucks obviously...

And if I remember correctly you are currently studying (can be wrong), so how will you get enough time for gaming lounge..
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