Graphic Cards PSA : Caution before buying mining cards

Theres no such thing as unethical here. Imaging today is last day of warranty for your product and you didnt availed any replacement yet and exactly tomorrow your product goes kaput. What then?\
I have done this only for hdds..and its totally worth it!

This is unsustainable. The warranty is only against manufacturing defects for a fixed and reasonable amount of time. The days of buying something and having it outlive you went away long before any of us was born.

These days with increased availability and insatiable consumer demand, it's more prudent to look at it as if you're essentially "renting/leasing" the product for the length of the warranty period. Then after that period, you're "free" to keep it instead of returning it back to the manufacturer. This is how service contracts are done on the business side of computing and it is how I've always viewed hardware purchases, including phones.

It's also a particularly good way to discipline yourself concerning purchases: if you can't afford to replace/repurchase that product at the end of the warranty period then your financial situation simply does not allow you to purchase the item in the first place. I'm aware that this mindset goes against a person's desire to buy the latest and greatest on emi while living on maggi for six months but it is a fiscally responsible one.

Have you wondered why rich people stay rich? It's because they don't spend every available rupee/dollar on depreciating assets. It makes sense not to extend your finances over something you can't buy a second time easily.

To look at it another way, if everyone adopted your mindset then everyone will be replacing their purchases before the end of the warranty period and the manufacturer will be forced to respond by raising prices or exiting the market entirely. Neither of those outcome benefits anyone.

This practice is very much unethical and it can be perceived as fraud, initiating an RMA for no other reason other than to get a new sealed prodcut at the end of the warranty period. Whether you're religious or not, deceptive actions have a way of being balanced out in this life (some people call it karma) and I would not want to risk my wealth or health later in life over an unnecessary RMA during my angsty gamer years.
This is a growing problem and super unethical, happening way too much in India. This is the reasons why companies with great customer service start adding clauses to thier RMA claims.
Few years back when I got into PC hardware I heard Asus had no invoice / no question asked RMA service and recently I saw a thread by a FM about his trouble with Asus products after sales service, now I wonder why their ass got to where it is now.
People curse flipkart for bad return policies. Back in 2011 or near about when I started using it, it was super consumer friendly with upto 30 day return policies even on electronics with no questions asked. Service was super good since I have even returned a couple mobile phones which actually had issues but try that now and see how much of an hassle it is.

All this is due to such customer frauds and unethical returns. Even Amazon now enforces replacement first then return on electronics, never done that with items worth 5K and over though not sure how would that go with amazon but my point is all these companies and many other started in India with very consumer friendly policies and malicious customers are to blame for the changes in policies done over the years now.
We Indians like to flaunt our 'Jugaad' ways, which is not necessarily a bad thing as we waste a lot less than the west by our innovative fixes and problem solving techniques, but some people push it and just love to find loopholes in every system and abuse the good stuff we have. In the US, even local stores do 30 day returns, but they "aren't fools" and know that perhaps 10% of people would do shady stuff, whereas here in India 50% (or more?) do it, definitely not 95/100 but.
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I visited US in early 2000. The first thing my friend told " You can buy stuff and return if any issue. No question will be asked. But do not misuse this privilege ".

Have been following that till date. Even in family I ask them to double check before ordering as I do not like unnecessary returns.

What saddens me is people who resort to cheating or cheapness. Such people were there 2 decades ago ( Asians ) and now here as well.

But I attribute part of that behaviour to tremendous social pressure, our culture of honour via showing off, and limited means of growth owing to competition and Corruption.

Still it's a terrible thing to do.
Buy gpu if mined on by a casual miner (means the person is mining on it in free time but also using it in his PC). Such GPUs will definitely be looked after. Most miners who built mining rigs specifically and are using risers etc. need to be vetted. They won't care for the card as even 1min downtime will cost them money so they mostly keep them running 24x7 even if dust is caked all over or temps are near 80s all the time.
It's not like that, a good miner with multiple gpus they always keep their cards clean to avoid high temps as it affects them a lot in mining otherwise.
If you have a proper bill for a mining gpu then just go for it at good price.
Don't buy Zotak GPU just because of extended warranty, you need email from the account that was originally used for registration also the fact a miner would most probably forget the email that was used to register a specific GPU. Too much hassle also if Zotak refuse warranty you get less warranty than standard 3yrs (AFAIK they offer 2+3yrs extended)
It's not like that, a good miner with multiple gpus they always keep their cards clean to avoid high temps as it affects them a lot in mining otherwise.
If you have a proper bill for a mining gpu then just go for it at good price.
It's a hit or miss. A hardware enthusiast would probably care for it. Someone who has nothing to do with computer components and just built the rig in "dekha dekhi" wouldn't care much and let me tell you the majority of rig miners are from latter category.
As I said, rig miners need to be vetted which isn't really possible. Heck, it's not even possible to verify claims of sellers here who say "never mined, only used to play Rocket league".
It's a hit or miss. A hardware enthusiast would probably care for it. Someone who has nothing to do with computer components and just built the rig in "dekha dekhi" wouldn't care much and let me tell you the majority of rig miners are from latter category.
As I said, rig miners need to be vetted which isn't really possible. Heck, it's not even possible to verify claims of sellers here who say "never mined, only used to play Rocket league".
Always deal face to face and check before buying
This is unsustainable. The warranty is only against manufacturing defects for a fixed and reasonable amount of time. The days of buying something and having it outlive you went away long before any of us was born.

These days with increased availability and insatiable consumer demand, it's more prudent to look at it as if you're essentially "renting/leasing" the product for the length of the warranty period. Then after that period, you're "free" to keep it instead of returning it back to the manufacturer. This is how service contracts are done on the business side of computing and it is how I've always viewed hardware purchases, including phones.

It's also a particularly good way to discipline yourself concerning purchases: if you can't afford to replace/repurchase that product at the end of the warranty period then your financial situation simply does not allow you to purchase the item in the first place. I'm aware that this mindset goes against a person's desire to buy the latest and greatest on emi while living on maggi for six months but it is a fiscally responsible one.

Have you wondered why rich people stay rich? It's because they don't spend every available rupee/dollar on depreciating assets. It makes sense not to extend your finances over something you can't buy a second time easily.

To look at it another way, if everyone adopted your mindset then everyone will be replacing their purchases before the end of the warranty period and the manufacturer will be forced to respond by raising prices or exiting the market entirely. Neither of those outcome benefits anyone.

This practice is very much unethical and it can be perceived as fraud, initiating an RMA for no other reason other than to get a new sealed prodcut at the end of the warranty period. Whether you're religious or not, deceptive actions have a way of being balanced out in this life (some people call it karma) and I would not want to risk my wealth or health later in life over an unnecessary RMA during my angsty gamer years.

If this if used wisely I don't think anything wrong with it esp. for storage devices or mobos.
And its not about rich and poor, if you are rich then don't even think about warranty, just splurge on every product without even asking for warranty and dump it happily if it dies and not to post for data recovery help or any other help where the business should be simply dump and purchase new stuff.

What about the recent Asus thread where the poor customer even after having a proper invoice is suffering and Asus is been ignorant, there where is the brand policy here ? Now this is plain harassment by the brand to the poor innocent guy who is caught between amazon and asus tiff!

And as mentioned by someone, many people here and outside the forum do rma their products before warranty and not to forget the sale threads here where the product is freshly rmaed for no fault or reasons but only and only to win the heart of the buyer that its a brand new product and still with some warranty which will fetch the seller good selling value. So just because someone agrees if he is doing it for one product you simply cannot start judging him inside out. Then you should interrupt or immediately start interrupting such threads on the name of karma!

And speaking about karma, if you are so much worried about such rma hitting your karma and you fearing of suffering financially and by health I think you must be some sage or a saint having done nothing anything wrong in your life, no mistakes, no hurt business and so on. Rmaing a product isn't affecting someone's karma. Karma takes care if the consumer is doing it for a fair reason or not.

Btw its kalyug if that counts so if you think karma is a b**h then it wont even spare the most honest rich out there.

I'm not taking anyone's sides nor defending or against anyone, just making my points which I feel are valid. If anyone wants to rant or blame its his Karma!

Never thought someone will even think or comes up with linking karma and rma.
It's a hit or miss. A hardware enthusiast would probably care for it. Someone who has nothing to do with computer components and just built the rig in "dekha dekhi" wouldn't care much and let me tell you the majority of rig miners are from latter category.
As I said, rig miners need to be vetted which isn't really possible. Heck, it's not even possible to verify claims of sellers here who say "never mined, only used to play Rocket league".
If not majority of them but there are miners who do care for their rigs as we do for ours. Proper ventilation, gpu cleanups, ac room and what not. While others only care about mining thats it.
People curse flipkart for bad return policies. Back in 2011 or near about when I started using it, it was super consumer friendly with upto 30 day return policies even on electronics with no questions asked. Service was super good since I have even returned a couple mobile phones which actually had issues but try that now and see how much of an hassle it is.

All this is due to such customer frauds and unethical returns. Even Amazon now enforces replacement first then return on electronics, never done that with items worth 5K and over though not sure how would that go with amazon but my point is all these companies and many other started in India with very consumer friendly policies and malicious customers are to blame for the changes in policies done over the years now.
This policy was abused once flipkart started hosting those mobile phone sales. It was then they have to come up with such policies. Not to forget the customer base of flipkart, not as standard as amazon.
Now I know I'm one of those 5 here. Never heard of such practice by the end users like us at least.
But I know people abused Amazon a lot during it's initial days.
I was so happy when Amazon came to India and had 10 days no questions asked return policy for everything. But people abused it to extreme extent. Some people I know used to get iphones on credit card just to show off in a marriage for family function and then return it. Amazon had to change their policies due to these kind of abuse.
Just like for flipkart, the mobile thing spoilt it all and even didnt spared amazon. Hence the tough policies. Not to mention the majority of the class was teenagers who took undue advantage.
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So just because someone agrees if he is doing it for one product you simply cannot start judging him inside out.

I think you must be some sage or a saint having done nothing anything wrong in your life, no mistakes, no hurt business and so on.

So much irony here.. First you ask people not to judge someone then in very next line you do the same :confused:

I think @rsaeon never judged anyone. He just mentioned his thought process which I and many others feel is completely in place.
If people continue deceptive practices like this, then it is more likely that brands will start denying RMA claims more frequently in the future. And then innocent people would suffer as a result of it.
This has happened in the past as others have given examples of Flipkart & Amazon and their return policies.

Whether you're religious or not, deceptive actions have a way of being balanced out in this life (some people call it karma)
And this is pretty much my mantra in life too. I'm in my mid-thirties now and have plenty of experience in this regards.
Be good and good things will happen to you. So far so good.