Psp 3000 cfw?

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I got the CFW Enabler 3.30 working on my PSP 3004 and am able to play ISOs on it now :hap2:

This tutorial proved quite helpful -

Steps i used:

1. Install Original firmware 5.03 - PSP Firmware 5.03 Download

2. Next installed the ChickHEN R2 Mod 2 (The Mod 2 is a big improvement, was able to load it with just 3-4 tries)

3. After loading the R2 i copied the CFW Enabler 3.30 onto my PSP and flashed it

Everything working great and took me all of 5 mins to do after i had all the files ready :)

Now been playing some really nice games like PataPon and WWE vs SD 2009
Check this link out - Custom Firmware Enabler 3.50 Released, PSP Hacks - PSP Slim


From the link -

Custom Firmware Enabler 3.50 for ChickHEN R2, gives you M33-6 features on your TA-088v3+ And PSP-3000’s. You need to use ChickHEN R2 to load this CFW Enabler. And Official Firmware 5.03. Firmware 5.50 is NOT supported!

Also, link to the tutorial for the CFW Enabler -

I am using CFW enabler 3.30, which seems to have been updated to 3.50 over the weekend. Anyway, i am not facing any issues with it so will stick with CFW enabler 3.30 for now :)

And to reiterate - Yes, ISOs working on my PSP 3004.
bbthumbhealer said:
are there any lagging or any other kind of issues that ur PSP 3000 is facing when u load CFW , or working like a charm ?

No lag, working smooth :) . Using a 4gb original Sony MS Pro Duo card.
damn! damn! damn!... this works with OFW 5.03.. why did i have to upgrade it to OFW 5.50 ::angry at self:: is there any way to downgrade it?? i own a PSP 3004... damn again!!
cant downgrade once uve upgraded n yes this works very well on 5.03 , abhi u might wanna take a look at CFW 5.50 Gen-A ;)
log 1 = 0 said:
Also I guess every time the PSP is restarted, the whole process is to be redone ?

Correct. But just putting the PSP into sleep mode and then turning it back on will not cause any problems or require the process to be redone :)
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